It very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very cute!

Pretty solid game to play in short bursts in between working on a big project!
I prefer some of the sound effects, voice lines, and animations in the original GBA game though.

A lot shorter than I expected but it’s very fun!
The character animation is so great tho like dang I love it.
Also this is the gayest installment in the series and that’s awesome.

I feel like locking some of the crystal shards behind specific ability combos was a bit frustrating since it meant I had to either replay levels or go to other levels to find the abilities and then get back to the level I'm actually on.
Otherwise yea it alright!
The music is still fantastic tho btw

It speaks volumes for the current state of this franchise that this 2 - 3 hour long mobile game was the best game release of the year.
They need to fix stuff up in Sonic Team and SEGA.

The Murphy stuff kinda drags the game down for me but otherwise yea it's fantastic

idk man it's fine. It gets kinda bad at points but it also never goes beyond just being alright. It does at least have a handful of really funny moments.

One of the funniest bad games ever made.
It's bad but it's still better than some other Sonic games which says a lot for how bad this franchise gets sometimes.
The music is fantastic tho. Just go listen to the soundtrack and play Project 06.

Some of the funniest bad voice acting is waiting for you within this very good game.
Big the Cat is very silly. I honestly don't hate his story much since it's really short. I have never liked the treasure hunting stages though, but they're better in this game than SA2.

I failed a history test because I wanted to play this game so much that I both didn't study and forgot what the test was on. Worth it.

I found that whenever I played this game I had my phone open right next to me so I could always Google what the enemies were weak to and what the right choices for the conversations were. That sorta drags the game down a little for me in retrospect.
On the other hand, ough the game so good. It's got the most satisfying turn-based battle system I've experienced. It is definitely too long though oh my god. I took over 100 hours and well over a year to get through it.

So much cool lore but not enough good game.

If it weren't for the Werehog and the medal collecting this would probably be my favorite Sonic game.

One of the only times I've heard people complain about how they can't pay for a game.