Despite making a great first impression I ended up finding myself merely whelmed by the end. It's certainly not a bad game but it feels lacking compared to the first. That's not to say it doesn't improve in some areas however. Graphics are a decently big step up from the origina which is a nice surprise considering their Wii roots. The job minigames are mostly pretty fun, though I definitely wouldn't say they are an adequate replacement for the original game's jobs. The general feel of combat is a lot better with a much better flow all around, multiple beam katanas to use, the ability to interweave beat attacks with katana swings and an actual reason to use wrestling moves now since they trigger the killing blow slot machine, though sadly this all comes at the cost of a much stricter darkstep. If you liked the first game it's certainly worth a playthrough but don't expect it to absolutely blow you away.

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The Dread hype really started to get to me so I knew I had to replay this masterpiece of a metroidvania. Not much to really say other than that it's an amazing game and my personal favourite in the Metroid series. Definitely recommended.

Since it's definitely not gonna have a content represented in Colours Ultimate I thought it'd be fun to give the portable rendition of Colours another playthrough While deciding to forgo the special stages ended up making for a pretty short run I came away really enjoying the revisit. This Rush style rendition of this interstellar rollercoaster of a game ends up feeling a lot better to me than the frankly neutered rendition of the HD boost formula found in the console version. The midi'fied version of the soundtrack, while certainly not reaching the highs of its console counterpart, still sounds great for the DS and tracks like Terminal Velocity are a real treat. Overall if you're a fan of the Rush games or want a differemt spin on the Colours formula I'd highly recommend the game.

Been slowly replaying through the whole series trying to finally complete the Pokedex and after starting Platinum a bit over a month ago it's safe to say this is definitely cemented as one of my favourites. It certainly has its issues with overuse of HMs and such but so far it's been my favourite to go back to. An absolute pleasure to play through.