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Doesn't reach the heights of Olympia Soiree by the same writer/artist, but 'tis a very solid and enjoyable otome game~

The artwork is vivid and strikingly colorful for both the character designs and the backgrounds. I think all the main characters/love interests as well as the side characters have appealing looks. The CGs are beautiful for the most part though I think Rin looks a bit odd in some of them. Also love the little animated icons that appear next to the characters during dialogue that indicate their emotions during scenes - made them feel very lively ^w^

The setting felt fresh and modern with hints of the supernatural. Having Hell and Heaven be so casually connected to the human world took some getting used to, but it winds up working surprisingly well~

This isn't a very plot-heavy otome compared to others - the main plotline of recapturing escaped prisoners from Hell is more of a backdrop for the individualized character-driven routes. It's more Slice of Life than anticipated, but it feels comfy and casual. Some routes have parts that delve into darker subject matter such as when exploring the the main LI's pasts, but for the most part, it's lighthearted. The story is fun and enjoyable even if some scenes meander to a somewhat frustrating degree and the pacing could use work.

I wasn't sure how much I would like Rin as the heroine to start - her self-proclaimed man-hater descriptor was off-putting to me in the beginning, but she has her reasons for this and I'm happy to say she grew on me quite a bit. Her sense of duty was admirable and I enjoyed watching her developments in all the routes. She has some sass and is a proactive heroine. Do wish she had a bigger role when came to fighting in the few action scenes especially since she's depicted with her whip in the main visuals though .w.

As for the main boys, they also take some warming up to since they're pretty mean at the start, buuut they are criminals from literal Hell so that should be expected, lol. After the opening chapters, they get a lot better and I feel they each have a lot of depth to them and work together extremely well as a group. Love "found family" types of casts and these boys fit right into it~ as for my best boy rankings, I'd say they go something like this:

1.) Goemon - all around best boy, it's hard to rank him anywhere else after going through his story >o<
2.) Yona - tsun with a pure heart. He's so adorkable that I can't help but love him~<3
3.) Kikunosuke - absolute cutiepie~ his relationship with Rin gave me all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings >o< <3
4.) Sharaku - liked him well enough though he came off as a bit too sleezy at times (understandable given the backstory, but still). Did like his dynamic with Rin though~
Aaaand 5.) JacK - has a great design and I love his love of animals, but his route and relationship with Rin were a bit... urgh >o>

I do think all the boys have their moments where they shine though~ the romantic and spicier scenes (when you finally got to them) were great for all <3

System-wise, I greatly appreciated how uncomplicated it was to get all endings/CGs especially after the cluster it was to get all of Steam Prison's xwx lol. It was nice to not have to stress over making a lot of saves and what have you~

Not sure if I'd rank this as one of my favorite otome games, but I did like it a lot and I think it'll stick with me for a long time to come :3

Really enjoyed revisiting this trilogy especially since it included the DLC cases for DD and SoJ that I had never played before~ ^w^ And since I basically marathoned the three games one after another, I picked up on strengths and weakness of them that I didn't notice on my first plays that happened years apart from one another .w.

The first game, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, is a compact little adventure especially in comparison to Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice, but I greatly appreciated how all the cases were interwoven and led to big reveals by the end. Phoenix's characterization was very interesting and Klavier is definitely one of my favorite prosecutors in the series~ the "big bad" of the game is also one of its strong suits (heh...). I don't fully love the "meta" elements that were brought into the last case, however, though the Jurist System idea was neat (and more fully realized in the Great Ace Attorney games).

Dual Destinies was a fun ride~ ...though I think it still stands as the weakest Ace Attorney game by my personal rankings. It gives too much away within its first two cases and doesn't really hit its stride until the third... before being kiiiiinda bogged down again by the last two cases. And, while I adore Athena as a character, I think her introduction here, along with a desire by the writers to make Apollo more "interesting", reaaaally convolutes Apollo's backstory to the point that it's hard to suspend disbelief (Spirit of Justice is also quite guilty of this though I think the story is stronger there). There's just too many conveniences that don't feel natural in the storytelling .w. Unrelated to the story, it was an odd choice to not allow you to examine things freely (except in certain spots) during the case investigation segments - that's something that allowed for a whole bunch of quirky, fun dialogues in past (and future) AA games so it gave an impression of something being missing in comparison to the others .w. As for some positives... I do like case 3 a lot as I mentioned before and Simon is a cool prosecutor. I especially like his and Taka's antics in the courtroom segments x3 The animated cutscenes were also very nice and the 3D presentation was appealing~

Turnabout Reclaimed was a great addition to Dual Destinies. The animal lover in me really enjoyed the unique setting for the case as well as the important nonhuman characters that were introduced :3 The twists were decently unexpected and the conclusion satisfying, I feel~

Now onto Spirit of Justice which I feel was the better follow up to the original Apollo Justice game than Dual Destinies. It has a stronger story and feels more impactful and memorable than its predecessor~ it holds up very well from the first time that I played it. I will say that it's kinda a shame that they brought back Maya to pretty much serve exactly the same role as she did in the original trilogy though (as both an accused and kidnapee)... with little to no development from when we saw her last ^^"" Athena also got majorly shafted by only being the leading character in one short case which was disappointing. I think I enjoyed pretty much everything else this game had to offer though and I was satisfied with how things concluded... minus that massive tease where they still never revealed one of the big twists from Apollo Justice to the characters, mrghhh >w<"" lol

Turnabout Time Traveler had predictable story beats and a blatantly obvious culprit, but I enjoyed its themes of love and "time traveling" in the non-literal sense :3

Overall, I was glad to give these games another play and I really hope that Capcom comes out with another Ace Attorney game soon. It's been too looooooong :'C

A solid piece of DLC with a respectable amount of extra content. Coming off of FFVII: Rebirth, FFXVI feels more constrained in its battle system and side quests than before though it's still a fun time.

The new playstyle for Leviathan's Eikonic abilities feels fresh and different from the others'. Speaking of Leviathan, I must say I was a bit disappointed in how its Eikon battle played out... which is to say, almost exactly how you'd think it would. It didn't feel as hype or exciting as the main game's Eikon battles or even the Omega battle from the first DLC. There were parts that were quite frustrating too xwx

The additional story and lore was interesting. Liked Shula and other characters, and it has some touching moments in its short runtime. As far as it being the last piece of FFXVI though... I felt like it left some things to be desired .w. I guess I wish it had explored more of the main characters' background events (like Joshua or Jill's) rather than focusing on on new ones, but eh, I think it was good either way.