it’s fucking garry’s mod.

my top 3 zombie game, arguably the best zombie game of all time

I love it when my islands decay 😍

even better than the first

cool game cool story. DOPE ASS AND EERIE MUSIC I LOCE IT

wish i could run it better

it’s postal 2. what else is there to say

One of the best villains i’ve ever seen in fiction, GladOS is such an amazing villain. Fun puzzles. Intriguing storyline that made me wanting more during the 12 hours I spent on this game.

awesome game. reminds me of vampire survivors. i don’t have that much hours clocked into it (mainly because i don’t have a pc or laptop that can handle over curse level v (i want to get the death knight but can’t since i don’t know what happens half the time during the later waves 😭) great game keeps you engaged and stuff and ooohh bright colours

i love this game way more than the first one, fun ass gameplay and funny story. can’t wait for the third one

Played this on my PSP when my dad got it for me when I was 8. I liked playing this game back then, I remember doing multiple playthroughs with this game. And after watching gameplay on this game, I can see why people think the parasite eve franchise was kinda ruined with this third game.

that one scene where the parents fuck, HARDEST part in the game

I love this game and Heavy Rain. First I watched MessYourself play this game and years later when I saw it was on sale, I decided to buy it and play it for myself even though I watched someone else play it. And maybe it’s because my standards are low and my ability to know what a good story is doesn’t exist, but I love this game, I loved the story it told with Jodie, the characters, the choices and the different settings and areas the play explores throughout the game (my favourite being the one in Africa?) I would recommend other people to play this game if you like heavy rain. 8.5/10