One of the few games I have over 100 hours in. Just... don't ask.

One of the strangest sequels I've played. It actively throws away many of the complexities of Hollow Fragment and replaces them with... nothing. As a package it feels far less complete, however I'd be insane to make the claim that it's worse, as the shorter length and more enjoyable minute to minute gameplay resulted in a far more enjoyable game.

I will say that the flight and flashy animations carry an undeniable fun factor, but even then, the constant reuse of assets and content kneecap it. But like... I'd say I had fun. Lost song is the perfect example of a game that could have been so much more if it wasn't a tie in, if it was given full reign over creative choices and design ideas. Strangely great music, as well.

Easily the best duology of retro platformers, maybe even modern platformers! Heck, even future platformers.

Klonoa 2 is one of the greatest games ever made, hands down.

Oh, heck yeah!!!!! Goat lady!!!!

This is game is great. Taught me to love Metroidvanias, a genre I've always had a will-we-won't-we with.

Kingdom Hearts is many things. It's a game that carries a lot of nostalgic power, but it's also one that has aged remarkably well.

Visually, Kingdom Hearts looks great. The story is pedestrian when compared to where the series would go in the future, but tells a compelling yet straightforward, character-driven tale. The same can be said for the gameplay, but I find it interesting that this is the only mainline KH entry that puts the RPG mechanics above the action. Level is a LOT, and your direct skill is not nearly as demanded as KH2 or Birth By Sleep. For that reason I believe the simpler combat is entirely justified.

I've played this game as a toddler, child, teen, and adult; Kingdom Hearts gets better each time I play it. Flaws are present within the characters, difficulty balancing, and item creation (specifically within Final Mix) but nothing outshines the joy that radiates from the experience. Play it.