Really good. I loved the part where I exited the game and played something else.

I like Metroid, so I wanted to give this one a shot...And that's about it, I tried.

One of my first fighting game experiences and I believe my first Mortal Kombat game.

I don't actually remember if I ever played Mortal Kombat or Mortal Kombat 2 but I do remember loving this one as a child.

I miss playing this with my cousin. This game made me fall in love with MK.

It probably sucked and I don't remember anything about this game other than I used to play it a lot.

3 stars just for nostalgia.

My brain tells me this one was slightly worse than the Nemo game and I refuse to look it up, so I'm giving it 2 stars and a half.

Played it all the damn time tho.

I don't actually remember if I played this on the PC or the PS1 but I remember loving this one the most.

I was too young so I never ended up beating it, but it was probably the better one of the whole Pixar bunch.

It's probably not as good as I remember it but dammit it was fun.

I always loved playing this game whenever I would be hanging out at the mall with my cousin, and I will always cherish those memories.

For what it is, it is damn great.

Didn't get to play it as much as House of the Dead but man was it a blast every time.

I think I'm in the minority here but I really do NOT like this game.

It's shocking to me that Sonic even got a sequel, because for a game advertised as a faster paced platformer than Mario, this game has WAY TOO MANY levels that try their hardest to slow you down.

I get that they want you to learn the level layouts so you can get better at them and clear them in record time, but they just are NOT fun to play in the first place and I don't have any motivation to get better at them.

Sure, Green Hill is fun, but Marble Zone, Spring Yard Zone, LABYRINTH ZONE IN PARTICULAR... These are TERRIBLE! and I do NOT understand why you would put the slow ass lava level right after Green Hill Zone, THE VERY FIRST LEVEL OF THE GAME!

I never beat this game as a child but I did recently practically out of obligation. It's not an awful game, but don't try to play it the way you would expect to play a good Sonic game.

Ironically a slower and more tedious game than any Mario game I ever played.

This game kinda scared me as a kid.

It's a really simple but kinda fun puzzle game, and it really sells you on the whole escape from the island idea cuz godDAMN is this Island fucking creepy lol.

This one was one of my first PS2 games, or at least one of the first ones I remember playing.

I just remember I loved to play it for the Looney Tunes slapstick, and it was simply fun to run around in a tornado as the Tasmanian Devil.

Nostalgia tells me it was actually a solid game, but I want to revisit it someday when I have the time.

I got to the train section which I believe was the very beginning of the game. Then I didn't know how to continue.


The very first Grand Theft Auto game I ever played.

I wouldn't beat this game until very recently, because the first and only other time I had played it I was still too young to understand what I was even doing.

It's not...Great. I still had fun playing it because it is a GTA game at the end of the day, but it really does show its age at this point.

Unlike the other titles, this is one I don't see myself revisiting for at least a long while.

I only really liked playing this game because my babysitter would make fun of it while watching me play and that made me giggle joyfully like the little bitch I was.

I don't actually think this game was that bad.

My biggest problem with it was that it wasn't all that newcomer friendly. I could never for the life of me understand how to play this game properly, there was always too much shit going on for me to grasp.

I still had some fun with it and want to give it another shot some day.