25 reviews liked by SuperVak

Holy shit, trails finally hooked me. This game is easily the best one in the series so far imo with its incredibly entertaining cast and tight pacing. Very emotional at points too with Renne's arc and Lloyd's desire to protect KeA being the highlights. I really loved Lloyd and Randy's dynamic a lot too. Really hyped for azure now.

The weak link of the game sadly are its villains which aren't that great with the main villain in particular being laughable at points.

It took a long ass while but trails has finally clicked for me, and it took the barrier man Lloyd Bannings to do it.

wasnt allowed to ask for a new game as a kid till i beat the one i had so i spent 3 months pushing my brain to a place I thought not reachable at age 8 and i beat the game and honestly id do it again. This game sucks ass but youve never loved a game till youve died on the hill alongside your fav 2/10. When they find my bloated cadaver behind my parents washing machine, theyll hear dreams of absolution playing from my phone speaker.

I spent 20 fucking minutes gambling to get a chaos emerald just to get robbed in broad daylight. Can't have shit in station square.

Oh man... if you told me they could top already peak fiction i would think you were lying. this is seriously the best finale to an arc ever, the culmination of over 10 years of Xenoblade leading up to this is fucking beautiful. Takehashi you are a mad man. GIVE ME XENOBLADE 4 NOWWWW!!!!!

Xenoblade fucking Chronicle 3... this game is peak fucking fiction. I love this game so fucking much. Its music, story, themes are all fucking perfection. The gameplay is definitely the best in the series and with the amount of custimisation. i dont think ive ever enjoyed this much customisation in combat in a game like ever. also... HE HAD SEX WITH ALL THREE OF THEM????!?!?!?!?

This game is seriously so beautiful. its story and its foreshadowing is brilliant and the music only helps it. i cant get enough of its characters. Shulk is literally my husband idc.

this is prb the most complete trails game with little to no flaws outside the 3rd chapter

Haven’t even played but having to own arise (which i gave a 2/5)already to play it makes it shit.

This game was made by 5 people with a budget of $20.
This game was made as a tax write-off.
This game spontaneously generated once the simulation realized it 2008 hadn't had a need for speed game.
This is the Spider-Man 3 (Xbox 360) of racing games.

This was the first PlayStation game I ever played. I used to go over to my friend Erica’s house in middle school and she and her siblings taught me how to play this. I was not very good at all but it was a ton of fun.