4 Reviews liked by Szilko

If you're a Resi fan and don't enjoy this game, I'm sorry to say, you have been filtered.

Arguably the most difficult, and definitely the longest of the classic entries, with enemies and obstacles that pose an actual challenge (the zombies rule in this game), Code Veronica is the perfect culmination of the series formulae.

Whereas 2 and 3 slowly began to shift more towards action, Code Veronica shuns this notion and returns the series to its true survival horror roots, with its maze-like level design, head scratching puzzles, gothic European architecture and a shit load of backtracking. Sure, it doesn't have the gorgeous pre-rendered backgrounds from the previous titles, but it more than makes up for this with its stylised early Y2K era graphics (which I'm a huge sucker for) and creative use of its new dynamic, moving camera system, allowing the devs to frame the environments using more interesting and creative angles to help fuel and drive the tension.

It also features the best cast of characters yet seen in a Resi title, with the mad Nazi crossdresser Alfred, the return of Wesker and (the adorable) Steve Burnside.

I don't fuck with people who don't like Steve btw.

Chris looks like those dudes whose dealer charges extra for weed.

i like a lot of the stuff about this game, it's a huge downgrade from RE4 in every way and it's not as outrageous and goofy as RE6 but it's like good enough except you simply cannot talk about this without also noting that bro this game is UNBELIEVABLY racist and it's WILD that so many of us pretended it wasn't when it came out