Teardown 2022

Log Status






Time Played

21h 42m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

May 2, 2024

First played

February 24, 2023

Platforms Played


This game I ended up finding a lot more fun that I had imagined when I started looking over it, but after witnessing my streaming friend playing this, though I now have forgotten which one it was!

Anyway, the game I found scratched an itch that I was really missing ever since completing Thief 2, due to the time sneaking around, stealing valuable items (and unlocking new weapons and upgrades) and then keeping everything in mind in regards to what your mission is, often fleeing before the authorities arrive and getting away with having finished your job which often involves theft and vandalism with people paying you to mess up each-other's place!

With the set up having unlimited time (until you start off the alarm) you can take as much time as possible setting up a plan to pick up or destroy whatever items as quickly as possible before getting to the escape point! The options are limitless in how you go about it and with the destructive environment you have limitless options. More so when you unlock all kinds of items making destruction easier and building items to make it possible to build bridges like I had done or, in one case, tie up a bunch of safes in a lorry so I could carry out the impossible to move safes in one go!

I'm sure others will find far better ways to complete levels and levels are also repayable so it's a hell of a lot of fun!

There's more stuff coming out and I can't wait to play/review all that extra content!