6 reviews liked by TStuddlerucker

the fact that you have to mod in cum physics yourself is a searing indictment of what bethesda thinks “makes an elder scrolls game”. adding a star because they gave the reptile women knockers

chinese underwater ghost base

also the game does everything in it's power to make you try to fuck the angry obnoxious dude and lemme tell you, as Elliot Page himself, this feels like a hate crime

The short magician said Himbo Tarzan has a tree-trunk dick I hate it here

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why did they do that to chihiro, spike chunsoft you will pay

damn yoshi do be having cookies. good for him!

Meant the world to me when I was going through a horrible depressive spiral, around the time it launched. Everything resonated with me in ways I really didn't expect. Seeing the game get boiled down to "teehee funny Robot Ass" isn't my favorite thing, but honestly, I'll take anything that'll potentially get people to play a game that means the world to me.