Spy KINO with great story and levels. But the level design is clunky

Countdown vampires is underrated as hell, hating it is a meme, its like your go-to obscure ps1 game but wannabe youtubers to shit on because the voice acting is terrible and the start of the game is terrible for someone who doesnt know what hes doing so they just play 15 minutes of the casino level and go "haha guise isnt this shit lmao"

Poor's man Resident Evil 1 directed by M. Night Shamalan

Not ordinary PS1 game. Very ambitious and soulfull

Game is hard like John Goodman after thanksgiving day. There is no last boss in the game, thats strange

Original game, good concept and story. But gameplay is clunky

Great game, great atmosphere, a little bit gore and maybe the best combat on PS1