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This is legit another really solid shooter from the boomer shooter genre. Admittedly, the game starts out really slow. Not movement-wise, the movement is really responsive and genuinely feels really great, but gameplay wise, yeah, it takes about until act 2 before the game really starts to show off what it has to offer. A couple of immediate differences about this game as well are that 1. saving is not automatic. You must use a consumable item to save or save at specific shrines that you can only use once. This actually creates a lot of tense situations, even though the items for saving your game are all over the place, it does take some trial and error to know when is a good spot to use them. 2. The levels are actually crazy long and complicated. This is a huge change of pace from what i've been used to with boomer shooters, which are usually much more linear and directed. It's not as though its pulling any open world type shit, but these levels do get genuinely sprawling, and at times, it will take a bit of time to traverse or to find your way through a level. At first, I considered this a detriment, but as the game picked up the pace and the level of challenge got better, I really began to enjoy these environments and the very distinct way they were all designed. The arsenal too has a couple of stand-out weapons, my favorite being the starter blade that can charge up to do a thrusting instant kill that you can use for platforming and escaping close calls. Overall, this is a really spectacular shooter, and if you like the boomer shooter genre, this is an easy recommendation.