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Tab97 completed Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
This is legit another really solid shooter from the boomer shooter genre. Admittedly, the game starts out really slow. Not movement-wise, the movement is really responsive and genuinely feels really great, but gameplay wise, yeah, it takes about until act 2 before the game really starts to show off what it has to offer. A couple of immediate differences about this game as well are that 1. saving is not automatic. You must use a consumable item to save or save at specific shrines that you can only use once. This actually creates a lot of tense situations, even though the items for saving your game are all over the place, it does take some trial and error to know when is a good spot to use them. 2. The levels are actually crazy long and complicated. This is a huge change of pace from what i've been used to with boomer shooters, which are usually much more linear and directed. It's not as though its pulling any open world type shit, but these levels do get genuinely sprawling, and at times, it will take a bit of time to traverse or to find your way through a level. At first, I considered this a detriment, but as the game picked up the pace and the level of challenge got better, I really began to enjoy these environments and the very distinct way they were all designed. The arsenal too has a couple of stand-out weapons, my favorite being the starter blade that can charge up to do a thrusting instant kill that you can use for platforming and escaping close calls. Overall, this is a really spectacular shooter, and if you like the boomer shooter genre, this is an easy recommendation.

11 days ago

Tab97 completed Fallout 76
Dude, I swear on my whole life people will get on the internet and just tell lies. All these lame ass normies that play like 3 video games a year watch Fallout on Amazon and are on Tiktok and shit now saying that this shit is sweet. Dude, tell me how this 6 year old game is STILL broken as fuck, still has awful netcode and graphical glitching. This is a fucking full release that plays and feels like an amateur's mod and its fucking embarrassing. The UI is shit, progression is shit, and building literally anything at all will require you to play for hours to find these randomized crafting blueprints for literally everything. This game is abysmal, I refuse to allow you people to whitewash this stain the same way you did Cyberpunk. The fucking game sucks, it sucked when it came out and it sucks now, stop peddling that fucking brainlet ass shit in an attempt to gaslight people into wasting their time with this GARBAGE.

11 days ago

Tab97 completed Besiege
Games like this exist to remind me that I am not a creative person. I can see how someone more creative could spend hours putting together different war machines to run through these levels, but after painstakingly cobbling together three or four, I just couldn't bring myself to do anymore

14 days ago

Tab97 completed Ravenlok
Maybe I'm crazy, but dude, this game is cute. I saw someone say 'Babies First Adventure Game' and I have to say I agree, but in a less critical way. Games like this need to exist, genuinely good entry-level games for kids to pick up and just get obsessed with. It's not difficult in the slightest, its very simple and straightforward, but man is it cute and truly a lot of fun. Perhaps it also helped I ran through it in a single afternoon so it didn't really have time to wear out its welcome, but I do stand by the fact that I think this is the perfect game for younger children.

14 days ago

Tab97 completed 7 Days to Die
I'm not joking, this thing is a piece of dogshit. Booted this rancid shit for like 45 minutes before uninstalling. Disgusting ass graphics make it genuinely unpleasant to even look at, it's way too convoluted, even early on, combat feels terrible, like genuinely awful. Don't even waste your time, this thing sucks.

14 days ago

Tab97 completed Loot River
So fellas, when are we going to say we've had enough of these bland ass pixelshit games attempting to be bargain bin Dark Souls? Admittedly the mechanic of moving around platforms in water as a means of getting around the map is actually very interesting, but that is the only nugget of originality this game has.

14 days ago

Tab97 completed Pikuniku
A genuinely cute game that seems to be cute effortlessly, which in my opinion is the most genuine and important way to be cute. A very simple game otherwise about going around a cute world and helping out a bunch of zany little characters. Fun way to spend a few afternoons.

14 days ago

Tab97 completed Postal: Brain Damaged
This is a stupid ass cringe as fuck game. Bursting at the seams with toilet humor, outdated references, and corny ass memes, tell me why the hell I genuinely enjoyed this game more than I should have. The gameplay was actually really fun, and I would be having a great time picking apart a horde of enemies and then the Player Character says some shit like 'This Nom is Good!' and my eyes roll so hard I start to have a seizure. The environments of the game are very hit and miss as well, having some honest to god really interesting ones and then some that are so bland my brain immediately throws them in the trash once I've completed it. Against all odds, this game seems to have won me over. It might help that I'm far less effected by cringe than most, because if cringe deeply effects you, I'd recommend staying far away, but if you can stomach the fact that a stream of lava piss is a power up in this game, you might be able to have a good time.

14 days ago

Tab97 completed Back 4 Blood
Feel like everyone was foaming at the mouth to rip this one apart from right out the gates considering it had the stones to compare itself to a timeless classic like Left 4 Dead. I will admit, there enough egotism there to keep me away from the game for several years, but coming to it after all this time I gotta say, it's really not as bad as everyone says. It's a horde shooter, so you've absolutely played this game before in some way, shape, or form. I will admit, the game does nothing to distinguish itself from any other horde shooter and that is a bit of a letdown, but all things considered, you run from point A to point B and between then and now you will shoot a gun or swing a weapon at some number of bad things. Maybe in the few years since release, there have been some big patches to make the game more palatable, but for me, Back 4 Blood provides just enough generic fun to be mildly entertaining, which in itself isn't a sin. I feel the backlash for the game comes from it's self-proclaimed status as the descendant of one of gamings darlings.

14 days ago

Tab97 completed Evil West
Mannnn... like mannnnn, I want to like this game dude. Something about pushing together the cowboy versus supernatural really makes me hyped as hell, but this game is so so so unpolished, so amateurish, and so placeholder. For what the story is on paper, they really fumble it. The combat is also super uninteresting and feels so weightless. Not to mention how generic and lame all the enemies are, the game at times genuinely feels like a very finely crafted asset flip like all of these mechanics belonged in some other kind of game and they pasted store bought unity assets over the top. Definitely not an awful game, but had enough downsides that after stepping away for a few days, I had no desire to get back into it.

14 days ago

Tab97 completed Hardspace: Shipbreaker
This might sound sarcastic as hell, but I'm being very genuine when I say this is a great game for people who like are unemployed and spend all day playing job simulators. Personally, I really love the story and what they were doing with it, the pro-labor messages with a folk music soundtrack full of twangy banjos bring to mind the coal mines of Kentucky or Virginia and the struggles those poor men suffered at the hands of their greedy corporate bosses. But, man, as someone who works a full time job and has a family I enjoy spending time with, I do not have the time to fully appreciate the gameplay that has to exist for this type of story to be effective. I do have to ask myself what about this gameplay is any different from something like Powerwash Simulator, which I do love, and I have to say I think it has a lot to do with the fact that while both are job simulators, Powerwash Simulator is a lot more relaxing and therapeutic (no oxygen, jetpack fuel, or fail state, and washing things makes my brain light up with happy chemicals) while this one provides a bit more of a challenging and technically dense experience, which isn't what I want from from this type of game. Leaving it with a high rating because despite stepping away from it before running credits, I think this game nails everything it set out to do perfectly, and I think that's something to celebrate regardless of my personal feelings.

14 days ago

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