This game, man it took me an vacation to finish and well was it worth? kinda yeah. But lets quickly mention the good: game delivers a prequel story building 2 very iconic villains at this point with Micah and Dutch, game has a lot of content, great cast of characters main and side, it just ups the scale of red dead one in most things. Now the bad: realistic approach ends sometimes in less fun (expl. slow movement in camp, micro managing horse and arthur‘s satmina), big world feels empty and most importantly the pacing isn’t really good; its one of those where your friends will say that they’re about to quit and you will respond „dude it gets really good from the braithwaits onward“. I just value these things nowadays and pacing basically tells you how replayable some games can be and this revenge plot is really good but I doubt that I will return to it as ofter or recite good old Dutch.

Yakuza the fifth. 5 character to play. Again big story which will lead together towards the end, several different locations, many good substories, improved fighting system (combos end in potential heat-moves). On the other hand it can feel bloated, Saejimas story kinda repeats from 4, Harukas dance battles are cool but get boring rather quick, and some story points aren’t as focused as they could have been. Its really hard to pin down the best Yakuza games but at this point I think it might be Zero, followed by 5 and Kiwami 2 although all games have good qualities.

At some point I was interested in a jump n run and had the weird idea to test this out. This is a stage based collect 3 stars in every stage kind of game, feels mobile, is a mobile game but it can entertain for an hour or two. Just not that good to be average.

This game is awesome. Its an pinball-metroidvania, yeah very unique approach to both styles. YsIE is gorgeous looking and such a charming adventure, played it multiple times and I’m sure to return. Need more games like this. Maybe YsIE2?^^

A Battle-Royale. You can play with friends and shoot people (gunplay is actually really good). Can be fun. But not my genre of choice.

I adore this game. Technically the reason to buy a PS4. The setting is great, the gameplay is faster and less passive, the rpg elements stay light in this one. And trickweapons are such a genius idea to put in a game, high replayability, phenomenal bossfights, lovecraftian locations, awesome coop game. But it also has flaws like healing being a resource is bad design, qualities of some bosses might be different a crucial part of this game (to me) is the DLC (which is amazing but behind additional dlc), the chalice dungeons arent that good as the handcrafted content and not being able to replay the bosses alone until new game plus isn’t that good designed ether. But this is an awesome game nevertheless.

This is unexpected a cool game which I would describe as something like Kuru kuru kurin. The actors do a fantastic job, love their work.