After the great SVR2011 this felt like a huge step down. Object physics weren't as good and I remember the camera always being stuck somewhere during ladder matches.

I believe they also removed some stuff. Anyways, I didn't spend much time with this one and skipped WWE13 because of it

The last WWE game I've played.
I got this many years after its release because people told me it was a good one.

I mostly used this to create lots of characters for Royal Rumbles. Because as far as I know after the PS3 Era games you could no longer use custom entrance music which sucks. Sadly in Rumbles the Camera isn't showcasing the Ramp so it might not even be the best Game for that. Still solid for WWE Game standards

Always confused this with Dino Run lol

If you like collecting things this is a good one

Edit: Yeah screw what everybody else says. I've been led to believe that this isn't as good as X1 or X2 but upon replaying it this game is just radical dudee!

Animated Cutscenes from the PS1 Version blew my mind and add soo much. The PS1 Soundtrack is slapping hard. I love collecting all the cool things. Ride Armors? Yes! Multiple Routes regarding Bit and Byte and Vile? Thats so cool!! Upwards Dash? Golden Armor? Z-Saber? This game has soo much amazing stuff!

If you like this game don't let people tell you it isn't good! It has flaws but think about all the cool stuff this game has!

I considered reaching Monkey Village as beating the game. But on youtube you can see runs that are obviously cheated of people going like 4 worlds past that. I don't know why the DEVs made more Worlds after Monkey Village when im pretty sure they are impossible to reach legitimately

When your friends want you to listen to their mixtape you might aswell listen to it inside this game

Coop Mode is what makes it great. Also you can dance in front of towers to upgrade them. Disco!!!


I never touched the single player mode but playing the versus mode against my brother for hours was alot of fun. Especially when you smash both characters together so hard that they fuse. I still don't know if that was a glitch or an intended mechanic but it sure was super cool!!

This is one of those games that seem amazing when you are a kid but as an adult you realize that the lightsaber combat isn't as deep as you thought it was when you were a little.

Coop Mode is what makes it great. Also you can dance in front of towers to upgrade them. Disco!!!