When people ask me if this game is as good as jak 1 even though it is edgy now and difficult, I laugh in spanish jajajajajaja but Im german so jajajaja means YES YES YES! Because this game is very good

When people say videogames are art Abe says "Hello" in my mind

I cannot explain to you the Hype I felt for this game as a Brony in 2012. This was gonna be THE My Little Pony Fangame. Every time Equestria Daily posted Updates on it I was flying high on cloud 9 in my endless excitement for the release of this game. You could see the incedlible amount of care and effort that went into the development.

The day that the news surfaced that Hasbro had killed this project I cried five gallons of tears and played river flows in you (bass boosted) for 10 hours straight until my mom came in to check on me. But she was washed away by my endless tears and sorrow, never to be seen again.

Later the Tribute version came out

Whenever im in a social place like a bar or something and they have darts or foosball or something I always wish they also had Super Street Fighter 2 Super Tubo. Because it is a rather simple game and everybody should be able to play it because I want to play this against random strangers 24/7
im just honest

This is a perfect game. Simple and fun. I think modern fighting game should really take inspiration from Super Turbo's simplicity. You can dumb down Motion Inputs all you want, add modern controlls or whatever but that doesn't change the fact that modern fighting games are just too bloated with mechanics and long combos. I don't like that fighting games evolved into the direction of: "how many mechanics can we invent to extend combos". There was nothing wrong with the simple "Jump Attack > Ground Attack > Special" formula. Combos never needed to be longer than that.

Despite all their efforts I still think this is one of the most accessible fighting games out there. The comparatively smaller roster also works to this game's benefit imo and makes it all comprehensible enough. Deserves one of my few 5/5 ratings

I feel like they put more care into this one compared to its sequels. There is no straving yet and every weapon is good for a different situation. This tactical aspect gets lost in the more action oriented sequels

Sonic 2 does what Sonic wONEn't.... ... eh it sounded better in my head :(

On the Beach Level you could remove the underwear from the ladies with the sticker tool. Later I discovered Newgrounds Adults Section

Domino is a good pup. As is zero. The AI of the Dog catchers puts modern triple A games to shame. Even when I turn off the game I feel like im still being haunted. I am traumatized and will never be the same person I was prior to playing this.

Then there is 6 Player Golf. Try it at a home party instead of drugs or alcohol. Just trust me, but dont say I didn't warn you

When you do the super move a second time in a match the animation is shorter. They knew

Your Frog gets lost, then you kill it in Stage 4. Then you kill it again in Stage 7. Then he appears in the Ending. I don't get it but the game is good

I want to live in Tower of the Goddess and want to listen to the cool part of Temple of the Moonlight in an infinite loop.
This is a perfect game.

One of the most cryptic Actions Adventure games I've ever played. Go into this game with the mindset of "How far can I get before I have to look up a Guide" It is one of the few games that really make you take alot of notes thinking about the puzzles even when you are away from the game. Most of the progress I made was when I was at work, taking a walk or showering far away from the game. Can't think of many other games that gave me this experience.

Also the MSX Style Graphics and Music are amazing. You can find like 100 MSX Games as collectibles which is cool.

This game also has a profound feeling to it since its about the creation of human life on earth.

The Remake is good and adds some QOL Stuff but the Original feels more pure (and is free) I just wish it already had Mulbruk because she was definitely the best addition the remake did.

My only complaint is that it is just a little too difficult to get started. There is lots of essential items you need to buy at the beginning of the game that are just a bit too expensive. Also the part where you have to get the scalesphere and birth sigil are kinda tricky for being fairly early in the game (going through the pool that drains alot of your energy followed by the infamous elevator section and a mini boss)

Overall I have huge respect for the developers, they just created this crazy good game with a rich and deep lore memorable locations and set pieces, an insane amount of puzzles, secrets and easter eggs. Even after you play through this game you will still feel like there are more secrets and myseries to this game that you haven't even seen. The developer said in one interview that they created so many puzzles he doesn't even remember all of them himself. Its really like they created a monster with this game. And it's all packaged in this neat but super inaccessible game. It feels truly like a hidden treasure that not everybody can uncover and thats sooo la mulana!! yeaaahhh

I would really prefer if more people realized that this is a perfect game.

I love the gameplay loop of constantly finding and completing quests. While trying to complete one quest you will find 3 new quests.

Also something that I wish more games did: Most quests are already "active" before you even talk to the questgiver. Early on you find a weird fish with legs. Then 3 Areas later you will encounter the NPC that is looking for that fish. I love that. In other games that fish wouldn't even have spawned until you talked to the Quest giver resulting in needless backtracking. Tombi feels like you can always do everything at once. Genius!

The game is sooo wholesome also. The German dub makes my heart melt. Weird translations but the voice actors are doing their very best. Super cute!

This is how a 2.5D game should be. You are on a path but the path isn't a straight line. It is curvy, goes around corners and around a tower, sometimes there are crossroads.

Also I own a local art gallery and every single background art of this game is in it. I wish I wasn't joking

One of the best NES games.
Haven't beaten it yet and my Runs usually end in Level 8 or 9.
I'm sure I can beat this one with a little more practise.

Also Turbo Tunnel is not difficult tbh

The thrid game. Most stages are more tedious than in Ghouls n Ghosts but still a good game until you get to the final stage of the second run.

Defeating both bosses with the short ranged hadouken is a pain and a huge difficulty spike right at the end. That is why this is by far the hardest of the original trilogy.