That Gibi ASMR Roleplay of Monika is maybe the best in the entire genre.
This game is nice too.

Crash 3 if it were a cashgrab instead of one of the most ambitious PS1 games ever made.

All of those remakes are fine but why do they exist again?

If you wanna play a slower version of crash 2 with average graphics instead of one of the best looking PS1 games, then play it... i wont stop you

If you wanna play Crash 1 with worse hitboxes and without any of the PS1 charme and atmosphere you can play this i guess...

As a child I always used a rope to tie GMan to the car and then drove around for hours on end. Sometimes I even made a rearview camera to watch GMan suffer.

When I found out you could download custom character models it was Master Yoda's turn to suffer the same fate.

I played this game alot with friends. Never online though! It was always just one person at the PC and the others coming up with ideas what to build. Proof that even online games can be more fun when played offline harrumph!! kids now with their online games smh

The coziest I've ever felt in my entire life was when I entered that cave filled with cute kitten O_O

Imagine walking through a park and triggering a battle every time you step on an ant. That is what this game feels like. Would have been great otherwise

Beat be like: "Hey Retto, hey retto, hey retto, hey retto, hey retto..."

I love how pressing forward while controlling the train just makes it do flips

The biggest regret of my childhood was buying a premium account for this game.

This is an upgrade from the first Game in every way except that 90% of the Maps are now boring indoor corridors. Gone are Huge Battlefields with both Ground and Air Combat.

Also you can play as the Jedi now but they don't appear as CPU enemies (in the PS2 version at least). Even if they would they are siginificantly weaker compared to their BF1 counterparts so fighting them wouldn't be as fun anyways.

Despite their efforts this ends up being a less fun game than the first one

The moment I relaized there aren't actually 200 Soliders running around on the Battlefield at the same time was my personal equivalent of figuring out Christmas wasn't real.

This game has been my personal lost media for 14 years. I only had vague memories and didnt remember its name. Now that I finally found it again, all I can say is: eh...

The things I said about Norrath also apply to this. This has some QOL improvements and some new abilities. Also I think it's kinda funny when you kill innoruuk in the first game but then take the evil route in this game and revive him. Oh yeah, you can import your characters from norrath into this game which is really cool.

To this day one of the best local coop games I have played. Which is a low bar because the combat and dungeon design in this game is kinda bad most of the time. But name another local 4 player RPG. I'll wait

You would think a game about cycling down a mountain wouldn't make for an interesting level variety but they put so many cool set pieces into this game like the looping, canyon, mine or golf course!

Sadly this game has three major downsides:
1. Cant play most of the cool tracks on 4 player mode
2. No real catchup mechanic
3. Ebay