Perhaps in a world where A Link to the Past is the cutting edge of what games can do, it's a slam dunk. But playing for the first time in 2022 really showed this game at it's most obtuse in every direction: from the combat to the puzzles, to on occasion the exploration. In 2022, A Link to the Past is the result of Nintendo trying to make Breath of the Wild -- and failing.

Death Stranding is effectively a game that tries to make the player as discouraged as possible to keep going, and then in the context of the game's world, continues to encourage them.

The horror genre has become the adventure game genre, and this game is no exception. Scary? Sure. Fun to play with friends? Sure. Worth any of your mindspace at any point in time outside of playing it? Not at all.

Games rarely make a year feel like a year, but Persona 5 definitely does. And it's art style is superb. It's so fun, even just navigating menus and listening to music.

still working on completing this game, but so far it is fantastic and terrifying how quickly my day is eaten by this game