This is just the best game ever in the world

This was the hardest game I've ever played

So captivating I learnt all the letters

This was such a let down I'm so disappointed it had so many cool moments it could of used to it's advantages but it's just a lazy half used re release of the previous games minus the fun and plus the laziness all it is,Is just fan service with the large roster other than that this mess is so disappointing I'm glad I got to experience it but I'm upset I bought the ultimate edition

I really like this game not BC of how great the story or visuals are but just BC it's fun to run around and beat up k sec guards,yes the story is interesting and I did find it keeping me engaged but I don't think it was really the reason I played this game and the exclusion of using guns in this game in comparison to the first is a downgrade but other than that this game is a great time with barley any flaws just simple fun

This cod is criminally underrated it innovates on so many new things and does it well too I truely do think this was unfairly rated in the community the campaign was amount on of the best and I will defend that forever

This game has an amazing environment,setting and feeling when you play I love all the characters in a different way and I think this is a great interactive story

This is a nice dlc that follows the end of mk 11s story and leads up to what mk11 was supposed to be I liked the selection of new characters you can play as and the story that surrounds them although I did get a little bored by the end