Man i wish I was smart enough to play this

You play Just Dance to have fun with your friends

I do it to realize just how out of touch I am with the current popular music landscape

We are not the same

Playing this after the witcher 3 was a mistake

I learned English just to understand the court section, only to find out later it was an AA reference

A Hind-D? Colonel, what's a Russian helicopter doing in Shadow Moses?

Not as scary as Microsoft Excel. Still pretty damn scary

haha, funny man punches people and cries at bar

lmao not even the hack and slash combat is fun it sucks balls. At the very least it's got a sense of humour.

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Starring Fish Sans Undertale

The darker tone of the original's story is kinda ruined by the majima everywhere system and the whole game is completely unbalanced, with most bosses being a slog to get through. Overall it feels like it was trying to update the original while keeping it the same, but without enough resources to do the former or smart enough design to balance the two sides. The real reason someone should play this game is to experience the beginning of Kiryu Kazuma's story without having to deal with the jank of the ps2 version (also because publishers hate anything that doesn't make them boatloads of money in the immediate term and turns out preserving videogames, while extremely good for gaming culture, doesn't print money).

Pretty sure the Super Mario franchise peaked with this entry. Although I'm 100% biased since I beat this game like 8 times as a kid and most of it is still burned in my brain and the nostalgia alone would be enough to make me permanently blind to its problems (if it even has them)

Yeah, it ended up being too much for me. The jump from orange dungeon tier to red is just brutal; the grindiness to level up parties didn't help. I just gave up in the end, the anxiety outweighed the fun I was having.

Fun with firends, a miserable experience with strangers. The fact it's so barebones means it's easy to get into but after a while it's just a bit too repetitive
Quick chat is hell

This game depresses me because no other character action game's story will ever be this good