Alright, so I tried this game years ago, played for a few hours and then put it down because I was really turned off by it being a roguelike game. Just picked it up again after all this time and I’m so glad I did. The characters are so likeable and the art style is absolutely gorgeous. Took me a little while to get hooked at first because I really don’t like the idea of roguelikes (just personal preference, just not my style of game) but I pushed through and started finding my build and once I figured out something that worked for me, I absolutely loved it. I found the gameplay frustratingly addicting and the story was such an incredible use of the game style. The dialogue was hilarious at times, I found myself saving videos of interactions all the time. I know to fully “beat” the game you have to complete it 10 times and I MIGHT do that in the future but right now, I don’t have any urge to. I beat it once and that was enough for me, but the story does make me want to see more eventually.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2023

1 Comment

4 months ago

This game is on my list to play two and I have never played it myself. But ive watched my brother play it and seen how difficult it is and just like you, beating it once was enough for him to take a break. Though he's played it a bit more here and there and he's saying after beating it the first time the game gets a bit easier from there. Still though, great review and I wish you luck in seeing it through to the end in the future.