Would love for it to be longer. It's a "really easy game", but it has an important message.

Wanted to play it after I saw a streamer play it. But it's a bit too much to keep track of for me, and I ended up not being able to progress. But seemed to have good story, gameplay, "eater eggs" and such.

Could have a bit better "smoothness" in gameplay.

It did not fill the void for a new "Roaller Coaster Tycoon".

Really nice, for a dungeon game. But was a bit ..too much dungeon for me.

A cute little tone-puzzle game. If you can't match tones, you might be a bit...sc*

Played when it was new. Stopped playing in 2019. tried going back but they added too much. I just consider it complete despite I never really did do one quest..

Played a very short time. Stopped. Can't remember why.

It's like a cute little harvesting-island game. But it's not optimized in any way and the story is a bit short.

If you know what you're expecting, it will be an amazing game.

My first Chibig-game! It's absolutely amazing! Just wish I could do "more" with it.

A bit too hard on the puzzles, even my most brainiac friends had some issues. A normal--IQ person better hope for luck, or grit to get through them! Story is OK, not the best "tales" story.

Played when it was new. Amazing Tales of-game! I'm hoping for a remaster and re-release

I can't remember much from it, except I thought it was good, important and had beautiful graphics.