The version I played as a child.

A solid entry into the Pokemon series, but doesn't really do anything memorable. It's good, but it's very "play it safe". Which makes sense since this was an entry title for the 3DS and they didn't wanna do anything crazy other than "it's Pokemon, but 3D!"

The Kalos dex is very good, especially new mons, and the addition of my favorite typing: Fairy. The region is really cool, but simple characters and simple story make me wanna play the other 3DS games a lot more.

It's a Pokemon Game that exists.

Inferior version to Platinum

What a Pokemon remake SHOULDNT be. It's a carbon copy of Pearl version, which in it of itself is inferior to Platinum.

Completely inoffensive as a remake, but I'd honestly rather play Platinum, even with the flaws it has.

The DS game I never played growing up, but finally got to experience years ago.

I can 100% understand why people love this one. It's much like Black and White, and it's fun as hell. Sinnoh as a region is full of interesting enviornments, characters, and Pokemon. The story is relatively solid, but does have some weak ends.

It also is a difficult game, but not bullshittingly hard. Cynthia will always be one of my favorite Champions in a game, ever.

Also, Giratina is fucking awesome.

That being said, there are things I don't like about the game. First being the fact that it's early in the DS lifecycle, so it's gamespeed is awful. The other thing is the amount of HMs required in the game. I think at one point my Empoleon had nothing BUT HM moves. God I do not miss HMs.

But otherwise, super solid title. Might return to someday.

My favorite remake of a Pokemon game, ever.

This game took RSE, refined it, updated it, and made it one of the best Pokemon TITLES, not even remakes, ever. This game explained HOW THERE CAN BE MULTIPLE UNIVERSES OF POKEMON. Shit was sick as hell.

The way they rewrote the story to help define Team Aqua's motives was amazing, and all of the games redesigns slap.

That being said, the games easy as hell, as its a game from Gen 6. I beat the game with only 2 Pokemon on one playthrough, a Swampert and a Gardevoir.

The definitive way to experience RSE imo.

Inferior version of AlphaSapphire. Played a bit of it and struggled to enjoy it. Never finished it, but I think I can understand how it would go, having played AlphaSapphire.

Classic game. Loved playing it when I got it awhile ago after I finished White and White 2.

The remastered designs, the flawless execution of Gen 4's engine, and the best inclusion being the ability to have your lead pokemon follow you, are all really good. It's what a Pokemon remake should strive to be, alongside ORAS.

However, that being said, its a remake of GSC. And all the issues GSC suffers from, such as poor wild exp scaling, horrible pacing, short story, and locking new pokemon behind Kanto, are all present. Granted, there are changes and additions to the story that help it, but it's still not the best.

A good game, but definitely not the best.

Pokemon's first game remastered for the GBA. It's....definitely Pokemon Red Remastered.

It suffers from all the issues the RBY suffered, but it doesn't even have the glitches that make RBY fun and memorable. When you strip them down you have a very simple, horribly balanced, and horribly aged game that struggled to keep my attention when I was playing.

Everyone really apparently liked the Sevii Islands, but...they just seemed like shitty filler to allow gen 3 to finish the national dex by added Gen 2 mons that were missing in RSE.

Probably one of the worst experiences I've had playing Pokemon, and I love Pokemon, so that should be telling.

One of the best Pokemon games of all time. Almost tied with White 2 for me. Many things I love about this game are definitely the story, the unique style of having only new pokemon until postgame, as well as the lovable characters.

The game has aged a bit, especially with gamespeed, which White 2 fixed, but it's still such a fun and iconic game to me. Will always return to this whenever I have a fixing to play it.

Probably one of my favorite Pokemon games ever, tied with the original White. They're both neck and neck for me, but this one I like a bit more.

This game improves so much from White that it is arguably better, but I played White first, and it was my first ever Pokemon, so I have a bit of a bias towards the story and progression of White.

The inclusion of non-Unovan mons, new progression, new postgame, and THE BEST battle facility ever: the PWT. I think its better than Battle Frontier, and I'll take that to the grave.

Only things I don't like is the kinda weaker story compared to its precursor...annnd thats about it. I love this game and it will always be one of my favorites ever.

This review contains spoilers

Absolutely phenomenal game that introduced me into the genre of Metroidvanias. Lord what a good entry title.

I have 112%ed this on PS4, but never finished Hunter's Journal, Pantheon 5, any pantheon bindings, and Path of Pain. Basically all the stupid-hard shit, but I want to.

Primal Aspids suck fuck those mfs.

Glitchy mess. Do not play unless you wanna fuck around with glitches.

Had fun as a child, but returning to it, its baffling how this got past QA.

Was my first exposure to a glitch ever as a child because how easily this game crumples in on itself.

Played as a child. Good game but suffers a lot of issues that were later solved in TCS. Would rather just play the TCS versions of the levels.

Completed but never 100%ed.

Started with LEGO Star Wars 1 and 2 seperately on the PS2 and returned to it on PC to finally complete it.

The game is fun for a first playthough, and easily one of my favorite LEGO entries to date, but...100%ing this was a slog. It suffers from a lot of issues that old 100% completions in games did. However, its really fun to revisit and playthrough every story level and do a couple of free plays every now and then.

Also, ship levels fucking suck.

Actually one of the best games I have ever played.
There's a shitton of things to do and a shitton of ways to play it. This game introduced me into the Roguelike genre, and I have never turned back since. I love how every single run is unique, and no two are the same. The amount of characters, items, and fun to be had is insane.

I achieved Dead God on this game, and am currently going to go for it again on my second savefile.

Also, mods being allowed on this game is awesome. QoL mods are such a good thing to have.

I will become back my money.

Played on PS4 and PC.

The epitome for CoD Zombies. If you wanna play Zombies, this is the game for it. It's got plenty of great original maps, and the inclusion of Zombies Chronicles brings many things for other people to enjoy.

Consistently coming back to play this one.

Multiplayer, when it was active, was fun to play too. Nowadays the servers are dead, so its hard to play anymore. But honestly, it's just Diet Titanfall 2. (not a bad thing so to say)

Campaign sucks. Dont play Campaign.

Train Go Boom.