Only really play this because its where Zombies started. Besides doing high rounds on Shi No, I'd rather just play the BO1 or BO3 versions of these maps.

This game launched with no Round-Based Zombies
This game launched as a worse version of MW19's MP.
This games campaign was lackluster.

I will never return to this piece of shit, unless I want to experience pain.

Only gets a full star because at least the lore for Zombies in that game was interesting.

One of my favorite modern CoDs. Many people say it's MP sucked because of the lack of movement, but fuck that. I loved CoD for it's arcade-shooter nature, and this game modernized that feel.

It's the first multiplayer I played actively throughout it's entire lifecycle, and it's an extremely fun one at that. It does have some stinkers of maps...looking at you Crossroads, but some really good ones!

As for Campaign....I thought it was basically just a sort of in-universe reboot of BO1's story. I don't mind it, and don't hate it, but it doesn't stand out.

But Zombies...OHOHOHOHO Zombies. This game revitalized the mode, made it re-accessible to new players, and introduced so many thing that make the game extremely fun. It did what BO4 was TRYING to do, but simplified it and did it right.

I dont think theres a single map in this game that I absolutely dislike, though Firebase Z is kinda weak, but not bad. Even Outbreak is a fun new way to experiences the game.

Thank god its a side mode though...I couldnt imagine a game where it only had Outbreak...wait. Wait...oh. Oh...oh NO...

Absolutely one of the best modern games for Zombies. Highly suggest it for new players.

I love to hate Black Ops 4. And I hate to love Black Ops 4.

Arguably one of the games I'm the most split over. Growing up, I despised this game, and for good reason. This game made MOB OF THE DEAD BAD. Like how can you fuck that up??

Then Vanguard came out.

The lack of campaign I could care less about, and the multiplayer Blackout was fun when it was around and I do miss it, I wish I could still play it.

But Zombies is the biggest thing. As a Zombies title, it does so much wrong. As its own thing, its...a good experience, honestly. The best way to treat BO4 is as it's own experience.

It's got some really good maps I've come to love! Like Tag Der Toten, Ancient Evil, IX, and Classified! Though its bad maps are...really bad, like the aforementioned Blood of the Dead as well as Voyage of Despair and Alpha Omega.

Overall, BO4 is a game that exists. I find myself coming back to it like a dog to an abusive owner, and I'd be lying if I didnt say I have fun with it. But theres so much wrong with it that causes me to just be sad about it's existence.

A fantastic entry into the Call of Duty series. The only thing that sets it back from being the best for me is some of it's lackluster Zombies maps.

The campaign is phenomenal, and the Multiplayer is the epitome of Call of Duty. I loved playing MP back in the day and still enjoy it on Plutonium from time to time.

Zombies-wise, which is what I mainly return to and play it for, it's hit or miss. There's a total of 2 maps I'll go back for, Mob and Buried. Origins is nice too, but the BO3 version is just superior and I'd rather play that version. However, the three stinkers, TranZit, Die Rise, and Nuketown, really let the game down.

Overall, a solid entry, but not one I return to often due to the Meh experience I have when playing Zombies.

My first ever Zombies game, hell, my first ever COD game.

What an entry to start with. I love everything about the original BO1, from it's gameplay loop in Zombies, its amazingly written Campaign, or severely fun Multiplayer.

If there was a Call of Duty that was overall the best? It's this one. Hands down.

The best SF I've ever played. One of the first FGs I played alongside USFIV

I used to be ASS at this game, I still kinda am, but it's fun in the fact its simple. It's easy to pick up, and hard to master. And I think thats what a fighting game should be like.

I play on occasion whenever the urge comes up but I'm not focused on playing or labbing it.

Genei Jin for life.

Honestly it's a really cool game I need to play more, but it' much more complex than Strive. I havent found the time to lab this game, because most labbing is spent on Strive. I only like it less for the fact its difficult to understand.

Would love to play more but just cant find more time to. I love the designs and animations in this game.

The game that made me finally understand and enjoy fighting games. This games design, gameplay, and diversity of cast is so fun!

I play Giovanna, and I'm very excited to see what Season 3 has in store character-wise. Still waiting to buy the Season 3 pass though.

It only loses a star because Happy Chaos exists.

One of my favorite Roguelikes currently. It has its flaws, for sure, like some really stupid hard challenges, and some really hard bosses, but thats kind of what makes it fun.

Will create a more indepth review once I unlock all achievements and 100% it.

OK right out of the gate, this game would be one of my favorites if it wasn't for one thing.

How UNOPTIMIZED the game holy shit.

There's so many lag spikes, so many glitches, so many bugs, that it can be a slog to play.

That ASIDE...holy shit this games great. The characters, the open world style, the pokemon, the gameplay, its a change the Pokemon needed forever. I'm very excited to see where the future goes from here on out.

I love silly bike lizard!!!!

Pokemons first original entry on Switch entry.

I feel like it's the same issues with XY, but the story is bad this time. I like Galar as a region but the game didn't really get replay value until the DLC.

If DLC needs to make a game good, that means its not a good game.

I could go either way with this game, it'

The better version SuMo. However, I actually really...REALLY dislike how this game did it's story. It took what was already functional and good in SuMo and shat all over it. I despise this story.

However, the gameplay additions and refinement do make it better than SuMo. The vareity of wild pokemon is awesome, and a lot of my favorites are in this game.

Also the first game I completed the regional dex for. Was fun :)

The best entry on the 3DS games. While inferior to the Ultra games, the story in this game is much better. I love the characters, I love the story, and I love how it treated the anniversary of Pokemon.

Competitive for this game was fucked up and I loved it. Z-moves and Mega Evo were broken but fun as fuck. I loved how much care and love was put into these games, and they are THE 3DS Pokemon games to me.

Also Incineroar best cat. :3

See my review for Pokemon Y. This is the version I replayed this entry later on in life. Probably prefer Y version only because I like Yveltal more but the difference is so little.