This game did so much for me in life. This game shaped my taste in music, defined my love for rhythm games, and damn was it fun as fucking hell.

What an amazing setlist. What amazing visuals, even if the models dont really look the best by todays standards. Ive always loved the various venues in this game as well.

I have yet to complete this game on Expert but I have on all other difficulties. The last 4 songs before DWDTG fuck me up (besides Number of the Beast)

One of my personal favorite GHs! Its got the stylization and feel of the first game but fixes a lot of the issues I have with it. A wonderful setlist, lots of great songs, and a lot of the covers aged alright!

Almost holds a candle to GH3, but not quite.

First game I full completed on Expert. Fuck Free Bird my hands STILL hurt.

The first game in one of my most beloved series. Age didnt do this one nicely, the engine is very strict and busted, and the covered songs didn't age very well compared to GH2's

Its still a Guitar Hero though, so there is fun to be had. Still need to finish at some point but cant bring myself to as of now.

A wonderfully unique puzzle game with some really well-made graphics. I love the political fiction story it tells of a country similar to Cold War era Soviet Union.

Would replay sometime to get a different ending.

As cool as this title is, it struggled to keep my attention as I played due to how faithful it is to the classic FE2 gameplay. I stopped about midway through the game and never returned due to lack of interest.

The story characters and designs at play are wonderful though, so maybe someday I'll sit down and finish it.

A wonderful way to relive some of the best WarioWare had to offer. A solid entry I played a lot when it came out in 2018. Lot's of replay value!

Not finished. Will create a more indepth review when done, but I love it so far. Made it to first dungeon post final party member.

Played this after enjoying Apex. One of the best shooters I've played in quite some time.

The movement is fluid, face-paced, and FUN. Both Pilot and Titan gameplay feel amazing, even though I definitely prefer Pilot. The story is simple, but does a great job having fun and unique levels compared to other FPS games. I love how it basically teaches you everything about Multiplayer within the Campaign.

Wish I had played it sooner, I'm lucky the game is still somewhat active on PC, but god-damn I'd have loved to play it in it's hayday.

Some of the best storytelling in a VN Ive ever read. Its the best in the Danganronpa series. The ending has always stuck with me as one of the biggest mindfucks I've ever experienced.

What a finale to this weird but lovable series.

What a phenomenal game. An interesting story that slowly unfurls itself more and more as the game goes on. Every chapter has its own twist and it makes the game such an interesting play.

Cant say much other that play the series in order. Its worth your time.

The first entry of Danganronpa that hooked me in on the series. Looking back on it, its definitely the weakest link, and suffers from awkward pacing and writing. Though that was because it was something new, and testing the waters.

This game set the foundation for two insanely good titles to follow after it. Twists and turns keep you interested in what will happen next.

My first Street Fighter, and a solid entry to boot. However, its never stuck with me and to this day I have trouble finding enjoyment in it.

Maybe some day I'll give it the chance it (maybe) deserves.

Fire Emblem on the go. Love the art and unique designs this game goes for. The constantly changing gacha makes the game fun to come back to daily.

Though being a gacha it suffers from the same issues all others do. Especially powercreep. This game has horrible powercreep its insane.

Give me more Yarne alts!!!

An actually somewhat fair gacha with amazing character designs and interesting storytelling…AND its still alive and actively updated?!

Love this silly little Cookie game. Only gets points deducted because it is still a gacha at the end of the day.

When it was live, damn was it fun.
Despite its miscomings with it lootbox system (AT THE TIME, OW2's system is totally worse.), the gameplay was on point. It was my first class shooter, and a well rounded introduction to the genre.

I was never deep into comp, in fact I usually played a lot of the more non-comp modes like 1v1s, 3v3s, or Seasonal events.

I remember getting a PS4 for christmas and playing the everloving crap out of Ecopoint Antarctica modes.

As a casual player, I loved this game. So sad to see it go.