Id fucking do it again! -Goofy

Expands on the first Grimrock title. If you liked the first one, you will like this one. Challenging,

Fucking boring and slow. Everything you do is a chore. combat is shit.

10/10. Wholesome community with no toxic voice chat whatsoever. Game is free. There are no crabs though, so I can't rate it 5-stars. Big overlook by the dev.

Want a real scary game? just go play Amnesia the dark descent.

Probably one of the best commodore/amiga games to be played. Recommended to play on Amiga so you dont have to swap floppies all the time.

Masterpiece. People who rate this lower than 4 are just filthy casual zoomers with no taste, attention span or problem solving skills.

The quests are fun. Better than Skyrim.

Deep story. Controls feel a little dated and clunky, but its worth it.

Best Wario ware. Unlike wario ware smooth moves where you play: shove it up your own ass game.

Got it for free, and it is still a waste of time.

This game is slow and boring. It feels like real life. There is nothing fun about that.

The best racing game to ever be produced. Imagine if Nintendo could release a sequel on Switch with 30 racers online.

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Gone homo is the most boring walking simulator I have ever played with the most generic lesbian shit story to ever be told. You are baited into thinking something horrible has happened with the atmosphere, like a murder or a kidnapping. But it just turns out, your sister is gay. The only good thing that has come from this game is all the games articles praising it, giving us some free comedy.