Good modern platformer with great variety of chapters and storylines.

Fun, but can get old fast. If you ever get serious about getting far, the game might get really frustrating, as one hit result in defeat.

This game is ass. I aint even gonna bother finishing it.

Fun with friends. Can get repetitive

Its fun with friends, but the stages get repetitive.

Not the best Touhou game. No hitbox indicator, and not too many interesting spell cards. One of the hardest in the series, but all in all a decent game. The jump to windows XP makes it seem modern in comparison to previous entries.

Todd Howard the god of video games.

Many years ago, I played till the water temple. That is when I got flashbacks from Ocarina of Time, and never played it again once arriving to said temple.

As a kid, too hard 5 me. Never finished it due to being a dumbass.

Challenging. Diminishing experience if not using the transfer pack.