3 reviews liked by Terrofried

Ok so what i liked. It looks cool (that’s the part everyone talks about with this game and they’re right). The music is great besides the one track that’s a 10 second loop that plays in mementos. I think that might be it. It’s a deeply badly written game made for deeply unintelligent, lonely people who want the media they consume to look into their eyes and tell them that theyre special.
The game is a power fantasy where you, the player, can finally get all the women you want like you wish you could in real life while also having cool powers. There is nothing else of value in this game.
Its very badly written. It’s the stereotype of anime writing where half of it is bad exposition where every time someone says something two different characters repeat the subject of the sentence and act shocked and then they continue like this for an hour (theres an especially bad one after I think the casino) and the other half are extremely bad anime jokes you’ve seen 1000 times where you’ll have for exemple a hot girl and a guy think shes hot and it makes the girl angry and then she hits the guy and then the guy overreacts and then the girl calls him a bakka and then you contemplate killing yourself in real life using a gun like in the bad game persona 3 (I never played persona 3).
None of the characters are interesting. Some side stories can be interesting. There was one with futaba about what I believe was one of her friends that was a victim of abuse that I thought was well done. But I think that might be the only one??? There is stuff I missed but theres no way im ever going back to this game. I was hearing people say that morgana is annoying and while this is true I do not understand why they don’t also complain about every single other characters in this game.
The combat is fine. Ill even go as far as to say that its good. Its standard turn based jrpg combat. Really the worst part is that if you want your character and your party members to get better in combat you need to endure the bad writing.
The real world part that’s used to enhanced your character in combat is almost good but because every character sucks it lacks the sustenance you can find in something like stardew valley for exemple (in terms of a game where you can do activities with other people and have events with them because in sv the events are actually something I look forward to).
The palaces also arent interesting. Design-wise theyre just bad zelda dungeons. The only thing they offer are cool visuals sometimes. Even then the game still feels the need to overexplain because it thinks you're stupid. On the pyramid one theres a painting representing the trauma one of the characters felt, which is something you instantly get right away, but then they game spats out a minute of bad dialogue to explain what you're looking at and what it means.
The worst part is that the whole time while you play it the game feels like its gonna do anything interesting soon but then when the credits roll after slugging through it for 100 hours theres just nothing.
Rarely seen so much effort wasted on a product this bad. The fact that people have been gassing this game up for years now makes me worry about whats in the water supply.

Wish we can go back to when characters had personal strife about partying up with friends (Melia) than chumming it up in a beach episode at the beginning of the game