Refines the gameplay elements from Origins in like every way, the story is decent. But this game has got nothing to do with
Assassin's Creed.

A good step in the direction to revive the old school format of AC games with a bit more of a linear focus with a stealth-focused system.

American Eagle Screech Intensifies.

Nathan Drake somehow the luckiest and unluckiest dude ever,

Good enough to get you into the franchise.

How does bro keep getting into these situations?

Solid spinoff about two interesting lead characters. Would love to explore this characters more in potential future sequels.

It's fine, just fine. First Tales was better and the humor in this one is more inconsistent.

A simple, but meaningful story about how videogames and online communities can be so impactful for people outside of just entertainment.

Not the typical game I'd go far, but honestly a quite comforting and cozy game.

A world with some solid world-building and an interesting mix of characters you meet. Going through the perspective of different runaways and getting to alter their personalities was a cool feature and the art style is fun and exciting.

Not quite as good as the original game, but expanding upon Zoe's backstory and how she got to where we meet here in Road 96 and was interesting and Kaito's story and family dynamics/perspective was done well.

So far with the endings I've gotten, all I've learned is I would a terrible president.