A promising concept that is bogged down by a myriad of problems. Most of the levels are uninspired and the enemies become increasingly more annoying. It's hard to master the game's combat system as you are often swarmed and stun locked which then forces you to button mash. The frame rate also takes a nosedive whenever there are more than two enemies are on the screen or if you are in a large room. Perhaps some of these issues are corrected in the PC version but I wouldn't know.

I ended up using the in-game cheats to progress through the games and ended up having a better time with it. I think I remake for this game would do wonders for fleshing out its concepts. Better controls, a more in-depth fighting system, and an incentive to fight enemies are some changes that could be made.

I liked the main heroine and the story is cheesy but fun. Overall, I would pass on this game unless the PC version corrects a lot of the problems I have listed.


A short compelling game that is a great example of the great things that come from RPG maker games. The disturbing atmosphere and creative story are definite highlights.

Honestly not too bad. The writing is still as sharp as ever and the plot and set pieces are pretty fun. The graphics and controls haven't held up and some of the puzzles kinda suck. Moneky combat also takes much longer than it should but can still be fun. If you enjoyed the other games you'll get something out of this one. Probably best played with a guide nearby.

There is stuff to like about Jak 2. The characters and cutscenes are great and the world/story itself is intriguing. The gameplay, while not as polished as the first one, can be enjoyable. The game's biggest sins lie in its map and difficulty. There is very little keeping you entertained when traversing from one mission to another. The side content that is on offer is either tedious or frustrating. The difficulty of the game lies in its lack of reliable checkpoints. Certain sections of the game may send you back minutes and leaving you with little room for error.
I would still recommend this game if you enjoyed the first one as the characters are a lot of fun, but maybe stop once it starts to get really frustrating.

One of the coziest gaming experiences I've had in a long time. The characters, set pieces, battles are all a step up from chapter 1. Toby reminded me why I love his games.

A disturbing game that shows the blueprints of how to create an effective atmosphere through music and set pieces that the sequel would add to. It's really short with it taking me less than an hour to complete but it still left an impression on me. I would recommend playing it especially if you enjoyed the sequels.

Honestly better than I remember. The levels are fun and creative and the humor is still very witty. I thought going back to 100% this game would be a bit of a pain but it was honestly not too bad. I was left appreciating this game more than than the last time I played and even more excited to play the sequel.

There's not a whole lot to go off since this is basically a demo but what is here left me excited for more. The combat I felt was a little janky and something I was still not used to when I finished it but the setting, music, and overall style more than makes up for it. I am really excited to see what episode 1 has in store.

Despite some technical problems and clunky controls, I can't deny that this game scared the crap out of me in parts. This game oozes atmosphere with its ambient, and sometimes harsh, soundtrack. The monsters and sound effects also add to a constant sense of dread that permeates almost the entire game. There is a lot of things the work towards making an effective horror game. It might not be as effective a second time around though my first run had me griped.

Not terrible but not really great either. The main difficulty really comes from the distant save spots which is the main reason I don't really feel like 100% it even with its length. I would recommend trying it out since it is so short but you don't have to finish it. It does also have a pretty neat soundtrack.

I think this is a vast improvement over the first game. Better difficulty, more incentive to explore, and a more fleshed-out story are all improvements that make this a pretty enjoyable experience. The soundtrack for this game is also really good!

There's a lot of content here on offer and some cool concepts that fit within the Lisa universe. It's not perfect as it can get pretty easy and repetitive in parts but I think its writing and characters make it at least worth a try.

Short, pretty, and free. There is literally no reason not to play it.

Pretty average Metroid game but very technically impressive with the DS hardware. It does its best to match the speed of the combat found in the other prime games but is bogged down by some annoying enemies and controls that cramp your hand. Its still worth a try if not to appreciate the work put into it.

Honestly not that bad. It's mediocre sure, but there is not a whole lot of frustrating parts, in fact, it's really easy, and there are neat levels. The final level in the science lab is a particular highlight. Sure it's a nostalgic game but going back to it was not as bad as I thought it would be.