You just pop bubbles to try to get a high score. Popping bubbles near other bubbles can chain bubble pops for an even higher score.

It's terrible. It's less engaging than watching a snail cross the street.

A little janky to play nowadays, but still has the best web-swinging physics in a Spider-Man game.

I bought this game because it had Phoenix Wright as a playable character.

I have no regrets.

It's Tetris as a battle royale.

It's the best battle royale.

This game is really just not that fun. It's a 2D Sonic game, so yeah, it's a faster-paced platformer, but it just doesn't do a good job of being a Sonic game.

Momentum is key when it comes to a good Sonic game. Hell, even a good platformer in general. But momentum feels off in this game. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it does, especially when compared to any other 2D Sonic game.

If you haven't gotten the hint, don't play this game. Play...well, any other 2D Sonic game.

If you've played the recent REmakes and enjoyed those, you'll probably like this.

I didn't play the original, so I don't have any frame of reference there. But I definitely had a fun time playing through this game. The gameplay, the level design, all top-notch. I think I enjoyed the first 2/3rds of the game more than the last third, but that last portion wasn't bad either. Just slightly less fun.

The atmosphere in particular was great though. I loved the isolation you could feel at times, this feeling that you have this entire village out to get you and you're practically hopeless. The ambience, the score, the ugliness of the game just really ties everything together.

The moments that I really enjoyed though were when the game slipped into the more horror side of things. The game is more action-focused than not, but when the game throws a horror segment at you, it's so good. I almost wish there was a bit more of that, but honestly this game has plenty of variety that I'm not really complaining.

Overall, good game. Might replay it at some point in the future.

It's about as basic as an RPG can get. Which makes sense, because it is, you know, one of the earliest RPGs.

I don't know if I can recommend it outside of a historical context. It's a simple game, with standard turn-based gameplay. You control a party of four that each have their own class (which you can pick at the start, neat I guess), you roam around a world filled with random encounters, and you stumble through dungeons which advances the story. The story isn't amazing, by the way, but it gets a little interesting at the end. And then it ends soon after that. So, pretty standard stuff.

The main problem is the random encounters, honestly. Not that there's anything wrong with the randomness, but the sheer number of encounters makes things a slog. I can't imagine enjoying this game without the speed-up function. Yes, I did say "enjoy," because despite what I'm saying, I did enjoy this game overall.

Exploration is the fun part. As much as some people dislike how cryptic old games can be, I can enjoy that. It's fun figuring out where you need to get instead of someone telling you where to go. Adds to the journey, I suppose. In that regard, I liked Final Fantasy.

But, to the average individual, I don't think I could recommend it. It's neat to explore it for the history behind it, but hard to suggest it for anything other than that.

(P.S.: For anyone wondering why I didn't turn off random encounters: the mobile version doesn't, at the time of writing this, have that feature. So far, only the console versions have it.)

This was a surprisingly fun game. It doesn't seem like much, but this is a completely competent and enjoyable fast-paced platformer.

It plays similar to a 2D Sonic game, but there are powers you can find throughout the level that not only complement your platforming, but also aid against the enemies you face. Not to mention, the pixel art style is nice.

It's not perfect, mind you. The story is nothing to write home about (it's interesting and weird, yet somehow forgettable). There were a few gltiches along the way, one of which where I got stuck outside of bounds while fighting a boss, forcing me to restart. And some powers feel so broken when it comes to platforming. But, despite all of that, it's fun.

I won't give a rating, because I'm bad at this game, I used all of my continues to get through it, and I couldn't quite follow the story.

But the music is nice.

The Saturday Morning Cartoon of the Fire Emblem series. A game that has a cheesy, somewhat lame story, but an entry in the series that has very solid gameplay. From that standpoint, it might be one of my favorites. But as an overall experience, it's just good. Not amazing, just good.

If there's ever a Pikmin game you should play in your life, it should be the one. If not this one, then Pikmin 3 Deluxe, but 4 is the best entry into the series so far.

It's a beautiful, gorgeous game with bizzare yet charming enemy and character designs and a lovely atmosphere. It's a satisfying, multi-tasking game where you have to juggle various tasks before time runs out each day. It doesn't sound fun, but it is, and trying to optimize how you go about your in-game days is part of the fun.

I think if you like strategy games, you'll like this one. If not, then check out the demo on the eShop to see if you like it. Be warned: the early game is a bit hand-holdy, but it stops being like that after the one hour mark.

It's one of the best Mario RPGs (if not the best), and this remake does a great job remastering it while staying true to the original.

On its own, it's a fun time, despite being rather simple and short. If you like turn based RPGs, you might like it, unless you're looking for something more complex. But if you want something easy to jump into and isn't too long, this game is perfect.

I hope everyone understands why Geno is pretty cool after playing it.