A great game that makes good use of the Wii U GamePad.

It just really should have launched with the system instead of coming out three years later.

I invested a solid amount of time in this game. I always thought a Pokemon fighting game would be cool, and damn, it was.

The most fun I had with it was playing online and getting a good grasp on the controls. Each of the Pokemon felt unique. I remember playing a lot as Blaziken and Weavile.

But the single player content was lacking. Pretty straightforward. There was a story, I guess. But I just remembered it in this moment while I was writing, so you can imagine how memorable it was.

Still, I had some good fun with it when it first came out. Maybe I'll pick up DX one day, or hope for a proper sequel.

This game was an incredible time. Actually, this game is still an incredible time. Even though the FPS landscape has changed, this game is still a fun time to pop back into and play a few matches. Nothing beats backstabbing a Heavy as the Spy, rocket jumping as the Soldier, and blowing stuff up as the Demoman. I've logged over 800 hours into this game, and I certainly don't regret it.

It's just a shame so many games are overrun with bots these days.

As a big Ace Attorney fan, this game, taking both games into account, is probably one of the best games in the series. Maybe it's THE best game in the series.

Some people say that the game starts off slow. For me, I didn't think that at all. I personally thought it had a nice hook at the beginning, enough to get me engaged with the story. Once I wad hooked, I really couldn't put this game down until I was finished.

For the record, this game is two games. Both were released individually in Japan at first, but are now both available in this collection. However, the overarching story basically stretches across both games. It's not like other Ace Attorney games where it feels like one game has its own contained story. For that record, I could probably give the first game 3 stars and the second game maybe 4. But as a total package, this game is a 4.5 out of 5.

And as a first Ace Attorney game, this is a perfect starting point, because it basically has no significant connections to the other games.

I highly recommend it.

I can't lie. I really didn't like this game.

Maybe it was because of the game's difficulty. Maybe it was because of the game's relentless amount of random encounters, where even towns can have random encounters. Maybe it was due to the remastered version of the game having terrible audio quality. Maybe it was some of the labyrinthian, long dungeons that could decimate you near the finish. It was probably all of those things combined.

Regardless, I didn't like this game. Some people call it a great RPG, but I just couldn't get into it.

But, if one thing's for certain....

It has one of the coolest title screens I've seen in a video game.

For those first several weeks in the Summer of 2016, this game brought with it one hell of a magical social experience that no other mobile game has done before and might not do ever again.

The game itself is okay. It's fun catching Pokemon, doing raids, and hatching eggs. If you like Pokemon, it's still fun to pop in every so often. But, the monetization is pretty bad in places, especially now that long-distance raid passes have had their prices increased. It's an okay time nowadays.

But, man, those first few weeks were sure something.

A Mario game with a final boss theme that goes so hard, it has yet to be topped.

Oh yeah, and the game is pretty good, too

Out of all the NES games to get the 3D treatment for the 3DS, you chose Urban Champion!?!?

You control a rock that gets dropped down a well.

That's it. That's the whole game.

But it's still kinda fun.

An endless runner, except you are a paper airplane, and you gotta make sure not to run into things. Very simple.

This is actually an updated verion of the Paper Airplane mini game from WarioWare Inc: Mega Microgames. But it's basically the same, as far as I can tell.

So just get WarioWare instead.

It's a clock. So as far as being exactly what's described, it gets a 5/5.

The Mario stuff is a nice bonus.

I played this game for several hours when I didn't have anything else to play on my DSi, so it gets a sentimentality bonus as well.

This was the best, cutest little animation tool that I loved using. I was never good at creating animations, but it was great to see everyone else's.

It's truly a shame it hasn't come back in any way, aside from the gutted 3DS version that didn't even get a release outside of Club Nintendo. Here's hoping we can see it come back one day.

The best 3D Pokemon model viewer that somehow kept me entertained with my 3DS until Super Mario 3D Land came out.

Not a game. But, it was free. That was nice.

This game operates entirely on the DSi's camera in order to play the usual WarioWare microgames.

Except the camera sucks.