Was really excited to play this as I really wanted to see Telltale make their grand comeback after coming back from the grave, and I expected more. So much more.
Can only really talk about Episode 1 so far, but the game didn't do a good job of investing me or getting me to care about the characters or everything that was going on. Felt less like a Telltale Game, probably because all signs point to Deck Nine being the lead developers.
The ending felt really contrived and poorly executed, and I really hope that the rest of the game can give me something more to latch onto.
Thayne's Thoughts video: coming after the DLC episode maybe idk

A little bit of a bumpy start, but still really great as an introduction for Lee, Clementine, and many of the other characters that continue onto the rest of the season!

I really don't care about nor have any investment in Insomniac's Spider-Man, outside of gameplay.

Really loved the vibe, feeling, and visual style that Life is Strange evokes within its first episode, although I couldn't help but feel some characters were more interesting than others.

I know many people complain about the dialogue, but it was alright, I think what really detracted from some of my investment was the voice acting and lifeless facial expressions (playing Remastered lmao).


I'm really happy about being able to finally get into Deltarune, but it also really sucks because of the wait for more content. Excited to see where the story takes off from Chapter 3!

Spamton steals Mettaton's gender affirming care to become the hardest fucking boss in the game.

Playing through this game made me realize how much I would have LOVED an open-world Adventure Time game, but instead, we got Wind Waker at home.

For everyone praising this game as a "return to form for Telltale Games", everything seems to have been completely developed by Deck Nine while Telltale only really acted as the publisher, so it's "A Telltale Series" in name alone.

Instead of keeping The Wolf Among Us 2 on the Unreal 4 Engine, they moved it to Unreal 5 for purely superficial reasons that only seem to amount to graphical fidelity from what's been shared: https://medium.com/@7019727855a/the-wolf-among-us-2-a-telltale-series-unveiling-a-masterpiece-of-storytelling-artistry-and-691efcf027f7

They've also had to layoff employees after getting $8,000,000 from Series A funding and proceeded to buy a developer that made one live-action video game(?), which doesn't really inspire much hope in me for their future, which is really unfortunate because I was really excited to what they could do.

The Wolf Among Us 2 is also going to be developed by AdHoc which is a studio formed by former Telltale employees so while that will be more of a return to form for Telltale, people should keep in mind that Telltale doesn't seem to be helping with development themselves, but I could be completely wrong.

so like, Episode 2 was like, actually good? I enjoyed my time with it more than the first episode and I'm starting to really like the other characters more and feel more invested, but the ending was a little stupid. The only thing that really confused me was why the crew treated having limbs cut off and replaced with prosthetics like this great amazing thing?

Like when I watched the show, we only got one instance in the first episode after a giant ice rock broke a guys arm off, and they also implied there was a gel that could grow back arms, but maybe I'm out of the loop.

I haven't beaten Episode 3 or 4 yet (don't even know if the latter is out yet), but I'll also post my reviews when I finish them.

Episode 3 was fine, but I wish we got a lot more character stuff besides "oh hey, that one night stand was crazyyyyyy..." and the episode was too short.
I thought the betrayal was better handled than Cox in Episode 3, and I've played maybe half of Episode 4 so far and I'm enjoying it more.

Completely forgot to post a final entry on this game, so you can pretty much tell how I felt about it!

I was really excited to see where Telltale would be going and how they would make a new mark on the gaming industry, but what a disappointment this was.

Despite being titled "A Telltale Series", this was clearly developed more by Deck Nine than Telltale so it doesn't even give us a great look at where we are going from here.

The characters range from interesting to bland or just nothing. The first episode wasn't great, the second episode gave a lot more promise, the third episode had a very creepy atmosphere but everything after that just didn't work. I really liked the antagonist and I wish we were actually able to side with her, but because of the canon, Drummer has to fill her spot from the TV series.

This game didn't need to exist and unlike stories Telltale made like The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands, the game does a really poor job of making this story compelling and I'm shocked at how high the praise has been...

Like this is just a dumb tie-in licensed game! Also fair to point out, Telltale bought out a small studio that made a live-action interactive game and recently there were lay-offs. While the new iteration handled the situation seemingly better than Telltale from 2018, this doesn't really inspire much confidence from me.

Really want The Wolf Among Us 2 to be great, so hopefully we actually get to see it.