I love that I can slander this game to no end and still call it a flawless 10/10 masterpiece with no parallel.

My friend's younger sister got the manga for this for her birthday.

Crusty as fuck. I have no respect for you if you like this.

Dragon Ball Twitter as a mobile game.

He looks like the dude from Ao Oni.

Boring ass crusty ass wack ass bland ass lame ass waste of time fucking piece of shit. I hate this game so much.

A truly harrowing experience of loss and regret.

This one's personal, brodie. I got my dad to buy the fucking DELUXE ULTIMATE MOST EXPENSIVE VERSION of this piece of shit. The story sucks dick, the characters are garbage, gameplay is stiff, bland, and extremely unsatisfying. It killed any interest I had in Assassin's Creed going further so lol. Good job Dunkey!

Dokkan Battle with extra steps.

My brother got this for 20 bucks and then it was revealed to be free for PS plus a few days later.

I never walked, I just played it in the car lol