13 reviews liked by TheBodyIsAnBlade

i swear to god i saw jesus himself.

Don't get me wrong I technically liked and enjoyed my time with this game, but the enjoyment was more akin to a starving kitten being put out of its misery by a car than anything normal.

I mean it's Huniepop but a clicker, so I'm gonna say from the outset two things.

1: No this is not as good as Huniepop 1 or 2, for many many reasons.
2: I wouldn't go and say it's a porn game. It's more like a fuck up your wrist simulator.

If you see someone playing it and assume they're beating off, I guarantee you they aren't. They're either mashing the shit out of their left mouse button or have the game paused as they go put their wrists on ice. There is no chance to watch or see any lewd things, no chance to beat off. There's only pain and suffering, and it's not even the good kind ya sick freak.

2.8??? yall CLEARLY were not there

at what point is too far for technology

One dollar therapy that helped me cope and dab the problems away



I didn't know I could run until the last level :)

How the fuck do you make a game like this feel like shit? It's like burning instant noodles like what the fuck are you doing?