Simple on the surface with an extremely high skill ceiling and excellent game design and one of the most fun worlds and characters in all of gaming. Would undoubtedly be five stars if Valve paid any attention in the past five years to the wonderful world they created.

Probably the freshest take on a Digimon game. Its great characters and alright plot are held back by a lack of polish and monotonous dungeons, but an enjoyable experience for both Digimon fans and RPG diehards.

I think this game had the worst plot of any RPG I ever played. How does the highest grossing franchise of all time not have enough in the budget to voice act two scenes? Even the third party gacha game has voice acting. I guess if you shut your brain off and mash through the cutscenes it could be fun, but even the main game is as easy as every other Pokemon game. I want to fatally stab Sordward and Shielbert.

Every update this game has had has made it better. From new characters to new costumes to voice acting after fan demand, if you still doubt Nickelodeon at least try how it is now before you rag on it because it has gone so far since its release.

Probably the most by-the-book Fire Emblem game there is, but that hardly makes it a bad experience. Its great cast and solid plot go hand in hand with its deep worldbuilding, and although its difficulty ranges from easy to frustrating, every cutscene makes you want to keep playing.


Quite possibly has the best plot in any game I've ever played, despite the majority of it taking place in your own head. Charming battle system and plenty of side missions to keep RPG fans happy are also welcomed, but the main draw is its visual design and story that brutally rips you apart and has you pick up the broken pieces left behind.

Its strong start and decently fun main cast draw you in before unceremoniously assassinating every likable trait they have until you're left with a group of characters that under any other circumstance would not touch each other with a ten foot pole. Amazing soundtrack and solid RPG gameplay help it stand its ground, but its habit of going back on its main themes in order to adhere to status quo and suspicious interpretation of LGBTQ+ themes hold it back far more than it needed to. Yosuke should've been bi.

Good characters, solid combat, and a lot of side missions and optional story content that you can really sink your teeth into. There are pacing issues and most notably enemies get REALLY tanky in the late game, where getting the timings are necessary to win, but it's still very enjoyable overall.

The definitive indie game. Very fun dialogue, extremely charming characters, and an absolute iceberg of hidden details and content define Undertale's experience. Combat is sloggish overall however, but it's sort of required to work like that due to how the game works.

Reyn alone makes this game 5/5. Everything else makes it 6/5.

Here it comes!
Need a hug?!
Carmen mi amor!
You probably have cheeseburgers in those gloves Mac?!

Awakening's admittedly a sacred cow for me since it was my first Fire Emblem game, but I'll still sing of its strengths regardless. It features a large cast of vibrant characters, an engaging first act that sadly never gets as good for the rest of the game, and very beginner friendly difficulty options, including the ability to disable the series's iconic permadeath. The biggest things holding it back are the sheer lack of map objectives beyond kill all enemy units and defeat the boss, severely limiting the depth of some strategies, and the fact that some characters just aren't as good as the others, holding back the overall cast. Even so, Awakening is a great game to start with, and has plently of ways to replay it again and again. Gregor and Brady are the best by the way.