473 Reviews liked by TheCalmingStorm

An insult to DMC, please don't play this garbage gacha game

played this on launch day and never touched it again

Comic Sans Silent Hill Ranch you will always be iconic

the main story ended like a month ago but only now I cared enough to try and catch up with it and well what is this even supposed to be
as a show, it has horrible animation / acting / writing as an interactive experience so many people are voting that it rarely feels like you have a choice unless people were undecided between two choices already and even then whats the point when the choices are so boring and you are not engaged in the story already like you can push multiple votes on a single choice but again there thousands of people voting a few extra votes are not a difference maker and it really feels like just a half fast way to monetize this game along with the extra content that is also locked behind a pay well and the cosmetics for a game where u never really see your character... just a mess of a game that idk some executive at Konami thought would make money because there is no one more out of touch then whoever has been managing the silent hill franchise since 2004

Wish I could give negative stars. Nobody making this gave a single shit.

Utterly brilliant commentary on electoralism and the futility of voting
EDIT: James Stephanie Sterling owes me royalties

this game would be great if it didn't need the kinect

playing this with a no kinect patch kinda did nothing to help it. went from unresponsive mess with bad track design and cutscenes to boring game with bad track design and cutscenes

Fun game. Love the opening. Really cool concept.

Not quite as good as Episode 1 Racer however still very entertaining.

Seems like LucasArts didn't learn their lesson

This game is actually an improvement over the first, but not by much! It actually starts off fun, the rail shooter sections are a little wonky but pretty fun, and the cheesy visuals and audio is nice, there's actually checkpoints in between chapters, you feel like you have a fair amount of health.

It's all good, then you hit that 3rd level, and you realize they didn't fix the game. 3rd level is similar to the first game where it just controls like actual shit, and you just straight up cannot see wtf you're supposed to dodge.

After about 20 tries, I decided I'm done. They apparently didn't realize their faults and just did the same thing again, sad! Could've been an actually fun game if they didn't put in the same shit, as the first two levels were very promising.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Extremely fun but the boss fights are lacking a certain something. The highlight of the game is just how powerful you feel against the normal enemies.

this game got deservedly raked over the coals for being horrifically monetized on launch, but they've since yanked all that crap out after it failed and what's left is a feisty lil kart racer with some comically busted characters

the main menu song will bore itself into your brain and lay eggs

I played this game to completion 11 times and was still finding new things within it.

the depth of its worldbuilding brings to mind one very important question:

what do they eat?

and it answers that question and every other question while not feeling like exposition somehow.

This was my first fallout game

i chose a helluva way to start.

I played this game once and it took me less than 10 minutes to break it.

I unknowingly started my quest for breakage by trying to punch the baby, and through this I accidentally gained the knowledge that you can teleport out of the house before the Vault-Tec rep shows up. I went about exploring the world and realized that getting past a certain point triggers the nukes to go off and kill you. You can't enter the vault early either, the elevator doesn't work.

I was determined, though. I would not let these digital shackles bind me, and so I set out on a journey to find a way out of bounds without triggering the nuke, and it only took me like 2 minutes to find it! If you go down the river path at the bottom of the hill on the way to the vault, you can reach the edge of the prologue map and then lean over to fall off the edge into a pool of water. From there you can freely teleport as you observe the wonderful sights and scenery of this new dimension you are now probably trapped in forever, or maybe not, I dunno. I haven't touched the game since then so maybe there's more out on the horizon, and maybe one day I'll pick it back up and go exploring again but it was fun to do this little discovery.

It just works/10!

P.S. If there is any chance that Todd or any Bethesda employee is reading this, would like to let you know that I do work in QA and I'd be interested in joining you for the right price wink wink