A great sequel that I prefer, this time you are chasing a nightmare who wants to play and is disrupting the Mind's moral compass. Great visuals and cool soundtrack once again.

Awesome concept for a game. You are a Writer serving time for breaking writing crimes and are offered jobs to steal artifacts from books in order to speed up your release. Isometric art style reminds me of old RPGs.

Bramble: The Mountain King was a surprisingly horrifying game. I knew little about it going on but learned that it is based around Scandinavian folk tales. The story is well written and breaks up the nightmarish images with peaceful scenes at the start but looses itself to the darkness that is its tale.

Enemy designs are so gorgeous and detailed, varied in their attack styles, and chilling experiences. The gameplay reminds me of Little Nightmares or Brothers (minus the dual joystick controls).

The achievements are simple enough, with the exception of one where you have to beat the game with no deaths. This is not an easy feat and was one that I skipped out on.

This is a game that I would highly recommend for the story and awesome design.

AssassinsCreed IV: Black Flag - Freedom Cry is another expansion on BF after The Golden Age of Piracy, specifically the Maroon Rebellion in 1735. The story is short but very focused on Adéwalé freeing the Maroons of Saint-Domingue. A nice and short DLC game.

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AC: Pirates is a great mobile title with so many playstyles to keep it fresh and give the experience of a full Assassin's Creed title. From the map exploration, finding collectables, and ship warfare, the game is vast and fun.

Following Alonzo Batilla, a pirate during the Golden Age in the 18th Century who joins Samuel Bellamy & La Buse to find a Fragment of Eden and stop the Templar Order in the Bahamas led by Woodes Rogers. With hsitorical figures like Blackbeard also joining the fray, AC Pirates is a great expansion on the world building of AC IV: Black Flag.

I finished the story at 34 hours 24 minutes but left a lot of the side content to reach 100% synch for later as I had been playing the game over the last year and was ready to mark the story as complete. I plan on 100% to the best of my ability, but the version I have is broken in the Fishing mini game.

Figment is a puzzle action game where you play as Dusty, the Mind's Courage who is forced out of retirement when his scrapbook is stolen by a Nightmare. Dusty sets on an adventure with his friend Piper to find the nightmares of the mind they live in and put an end to the effects of an unspoken trauma.

The writing is very funny and has some cool music moments. The art style is stylish and reminds me of Double Fine games with James and the Giant Peach mixed in. The combat is smooth enough and the game has plenty of challenges to over come.

There is a big with one of the achievements for killing spiders in the left side of the brain, but tips online can provide work around for this. However, I had to start a second playthrough to finish this myself, but enjoyed the game over all and am wanting to play the sequel next.

Review copy provided by developer Dolores Entertainment

Project 13 is an anomaly game where you walk the repeating hallway of Station 18 Mental Health Unit while looking for horrors out of place. These can be from posters of health tips and services changing to zombies or bloody meat, bodies in various places, evils of nightmares or people acting more unusual than they already do as a patient.

The camera is the biggest issue with the game as when I first played it I became nauseous like I was on a boat on rough waters. But the developers took my feedback and stabilized the camera to where I could actually finish the goal of 13 runs, reporting or not reporting anomalies to escape the nightmarish ward.

Genuine jump scares and reactions to the anomalies made it a fun game and while it looks a lot better on PC, the Xbox Series X version is still decent.

A prequel to the main game's story following Mort, Yun's father as he tries to save a village from a Tree Yaoguai that is draining the village of life. The single memory mission has multiple endings and was fun to explore while learning about what happened to Mort.

Great DLC with a higher difficulty for the extra solutions. Loved the ending and the cat levels. The achievements were fun as well.

What a great concept for a game. You play as a man who is climbing a Tower of Babel and must learn how to speak with the residents via puzzles and determination of what their language stands for. As you meet new groups you will take your prior knowledge to learn this new language and help the tower reconnect to each other so that it doesn't die.

The game is simple to play but challenging as not only do you have to learn multiple languages, but the structure that each groups speaks in.

With vivid colors, awesome music, and lots to explore, Chants of Sennaar is a great game for puzzle gamers and those who have interests in language.

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Senua's Saga: Hellblade II was such a a fantastic game and sequel to Senua's Sacrifice. The story follows Senua as she is enslaved and taken to Iceland where she faces a new evil in the form of giants while still struggling with her psychosis and inner voices.

I played with headphones as recommended by the game due to the binaural audio and it was fantastically eerie and beautiful at the same time.

The graphics on the Series X were gorgeous and while the gameplay portions lost a bit of quality, the cutscenes were hard to look away from. This was even more enjoyable as you can use Photomode to take photos in game and during cutscenes.

The extras of the game have a great BTS video on the series and psychosis as well as a place to listen to the stories gathered via in game collectables and the opening recap of the first game.

Obtaining all achievements was easy enough as their is a chapter select that allows you to go to the chapter and portion of which where you can find missed collectables.

I highly recommend this game and of course the first one as well.

The Rewinder is a story based around Yaoguai and the afterlife. A well written adventure where "The Rewinder" is tasked with investigating missing souls in the afterlife from a village that has been destroyed by an unknown source. By using their abilities, The Rewinder can enter the memories of the villagers and change their decisions to save them from this reality.

The pixel art style is expressive and the soundtrack is immersive. The characters are solid and there is even a prequel DLC to purchase.

It's worth checking out if you are interested in Asian/Chinese stories.

Lovely game for a cat lover to explore and play as a little furball. Loved all of the realistic cat movements and dressing "Charlie" (my cat's name) up in funny hats. Worth playing and I hope to see a physical one day.

The achievements can be a little tedious and some people have complained about a glitch with one of the collectable missions.

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I Am Setsuna is a homage to the classic JRPGs of the past, like the original Final Fantasy games. The story is bleak, but hopeful as you play as a mercenary who is tasked with killing a young woman who is on a pilgrimage to stop a growing threat of monsters by becoming a human sacrifice. The story introduces multiple characters from across the snow covered world and each has interesting back stories and personalities.

The gameplay focuses on a Momentum system and ATB gauge. You attack when your ATB is filled and if you wait until your Momentum is also filled, you will get bonuses to your attacks such as additional damage or status effects.

The combat is entertaining enough but the enemy types are repeated using various colors or slight design changes as you become stronger in new areas.

I finished both versions of the final boss and completed the side missions to get all the characters' ultimate abilities, but ended up passing on getting 100% database entries such as enemy drops and items.

It's a solid RPG with a bit of some grindy gameplay, but the story is where is shines the most IMO.

What an awesome game! I am not the biggest fan of roguelites, but Loot River converted me. The sliding puzzle level design and fast combat with awesome gothic plague pixel art style and some cool ambient music made this a great title.

The achievements are simple and pretty much walk you through the entire game with only a few secrets for the true ending. I died A LOT in the game and over 17 hours of gameplay finally finished my first escape.