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TheMega03 completed Skullgirls

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TheMega03 completed Tekken 3

1 day ago

TheMega03 reviewed Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes
Good game wherever you see it.
Its soundtrack is very memorable and catchy, I still remember when I was listening to the character selection theme.
The controls are quite good, they were simplified, making it so that instead of using 6 attack buttons, 4 are used, leaving the other two to make super attacks in an easier way for new players.
Of course, not everything is great with the controls, because there are characters from previous installments that removed attacks in which they used medium blows or medium kicks, but for the rest, it's fine.
As for the roster of characters, it is huge, and it is quite good, the problem comes when there are a lot of clones, like War Machine, which I don't understand why he is here, if Iron Man is already there. Apart from that, another problem is that there are very unbalanced characters, like Cable, Cyclops, and Sentinel. In general, there are more broken Marvel characters than Capcom xd.

On the graphics side, they are very pretty, the characters are flat sprites, while the background and settings are 3D, something like Paper Mario.

In general, it is a good game, with the problem that it has VERY unbalanced characters, or some that are unnecessary, like the Servbot from Mega Man Legends.

1 day ago

1 day ago

TheMega03 reviewed Superman: The New Superman Adventures
This game is ultra trash, and a lack of respect towards the important character that is Superman, and I say it, I am not a fan of the character.
The game only consists of going through hoops as if it were some kind of fucking circus, something that makes me laugh, because Superman has dozens of abilities that could perfectly be used in a video game, but of course, the developers had no better idea than to put him through through hoops like a fool.
The controls and graphics are not far behind, they are terrible, in the first one, they are very uncomfortable and imprecise, and as for the graphics, holy God, this is from 1999, at that time there were already 64 games like The Legend on the Nintendo 64 of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which took full advantage of the console with graphics that tried to be as detailed as possible for the time and taking into account the limitations of the console, here the settings look dead, and Superman looks very stuffy, even for a 3D model from the Nintendo 64.

Terrible video game, one of the first that disappointed me when I was a child.

1 day ago

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