The game is VERY good, its graphics are very epic, and the gameplay is quite well done.
My problem with the game comes when a large number of characters, and it should be noted, the best fighters in the game, are DLC. This is something that seems rubbish to me, they are mostly characters that were already in previous Dragon Ball games, like Broly or Gogeta Super Saiyan 4.
Also, the story is garbage, it seems like a poorly written fanfic.

In general the game is good, I recommend it to any Dragon Ball fan and fans of fighting games in general, although the game has certain shortcomings.

I still think it's a miracle that this port exists, it's literally the original game, but reduced in several ways to fit on a Game Boy Advance cartridge.
The gameplay is maintained, and the controls are very responsive, something that is great is that they managed to put the 6 buttons of the original on a console that only has 4, and that is that by pressing L and B or R and A at the same time At the same time, the game takes it as the middle punch and middle kick respectively.
On the graphics side, they look good even though they are the same sprites but lowered so that they can be seen on the small screen of the Game Boy Advance, something great to tell the truth.
On the sound side, it is a weak point, although it sounds similar to the original game, it is greatly reduced due to the limitations of the GBA, but still, it sounds decent, despite the fact that the original has much better music and better effects Sound.

In general, this port is quite good, obviously it is not better than the original game, and I have always thought that it is ridiculous to compare it with the Arcade version, but still, for a port for a console like the Game Boy Advance it is quite brilliant.
I am fond of this game, since it was my first Street Fighter.

Good game wherever you see it.
Its soundtrack is very memorable and catchy, I still remember when I was listening to the character selection theme.
The controls are quite good, they were simplified, making it so that instead of using 6 attack buttons, 4 are used, leaving the other two to make super attacks in an easier way for new players.
Of course, not everything is great with the controls, because there are characters from previous installments that removed attacks in which they used medium blows or medium kicks, but for the rest, it's fine.
As for the roster of characters, it is huge, and it is quite good, the problem comes when there are a lot of clones, like War Machine, which I don't understand why he is here, if Iron Man is already there. Apart from that, another problem is that there are very unbalanced characters, like Cable, Cyclops, and Sentinel. In general, there are more broken Marvel characters than Capcom xd.

On the graphics side, they are very pretty, the characters are flat sprites, while the background and settings are 3D, something like Paper Mario.

In general, it is a good game, with the problem that it has VERY unbalanced characters, or some that are unnecessary, like the Servbot from Mega Man Legends.

This game is ultra trash, and a lack of respect towards the important character that is Superman, and I say it, I am not a fan of the character.
The game only consists of going through hoops as if it were some kind of fucking circus, something that makes me laugh, because Superman has dozens of abilities that could perfectly be used in a video game, but of course, the developers had no better idea than to put him through through hoops like a fool.
The controls and graphics are not far behind, they are terrible, in the first one, they are very uncomfortable and imprecise, and as for the graphics, holy God, this is from 1999, at that time there were already 64 games like The Legend on the Nintendo 64 of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which took full advantage of the console with graphics that tried to be as detailed as possible for the time and taking into account the limitations of the console, here the settings look dead, and Superman looks very stuffy, even for a 3D model from the Nintendo 64.

Terrible video game, one of the first that disappointed me when I was a child.

The game has good and very satisfying gameplay like all Tekken games, it is very fun to hit and defeat rivals.
The controls are responsive and comfortable for a 3DS.
The graphics are pretty decent for a Nintendo 3DS exclusive, they don't exploit its features, but they look pretty decent.
The problem with the game is that it has a small number of single-player game modes, only having 3, Special Survival, Versus Battle, and Practice; The survival mode is entertaining, as it is quite fun to chain blows to your rivals while being careful not to be attacked by them, and when you complete the challenges in this way they give you cards as rewards, which you can see in the Tekken Cards section.
The problem with survival mode is that despite its replayability with cards, it ends up becoming very repetitive over time.
And yes, you need the arcade mode, a must in any fighting game.

Something great about the game is that it comes with a fully animated movie, a pretty cool detail, but of course, that doesn't affect the quality of the game itself.

The multiplayer mode is entertaining, but the problem is that you can't choose a different character than the one you used after finishing a battle, but rather you have to exit the mode, put another fighter in your game profile, and re-enter. That actually seemed quite stupid to me, and even if we are talking about the 3DS, in other fighting games on this console you could choose a different fighter after a battle, without the need to exit multiplayer mode.
I don't deny that Tekken 3D: Prime Edition's multiplayer is fun, but I personally disliked that detail.

In general, the game is good, and if you are traveling or away from home, it is a good option to play on your 3DS/2DS, and if you have someone you know with the same console and the game, I assure you that they will have fun with it multiplayer mode, despite the problem I mentioned earlier about this mode.
What I would have liked this game to have are more extra modes for a single player, since it is very lacking in this.

The game is fun, but the problem lies in its level design, mechanics and difficulty.
The main mechanic of this game is to collect as many coins as possible, and the game encourages the player to do this by putting things in the levels such as golden rings that give you coins for a short time for defeating enemies, or golden counterparts of the mushroom and the fire flower, which serve to grab more coins.
The golden flower is too broken, they give you coins for everything you do with that power up, whether it's killing an enemy or shooting blocks.
The problem with this is that the only thing the coins do is make the game even easier, because by grabbing 100 coins, as is customary in Mario games, you win a life, now imagine that in the levels there are much more than 100 coins , results in a game with an extremely easy difficulty, so much so that I personally never saw the game over screen.
The only thing the level design does is increase this problem, in many they put sections where there are too many bricks, obviously so that you can break them with the golden flower and earn more coins. Also, the level design in this game is truly uninspired, it doesn't try anything new.
The soundtrack is exactly the same as New Super Mario Bros Wii, just with more "gah", which can be annoying at times.

The game is very mediocre and does not come close to the Wii and DS releases.

Imagine paying for a game from over 30 years ago that you can play almost everywhere, in an incomplete game collection where each game you have to pay to have.

Garbage, I can play Street Fighter II in a lot of other places.

It's an absurdly fun mod because of the amount of crazy things you can do.
I literally completed it with no stars.
The shotgun gives Mario new moves, such as having a higher jump, being able to kill enemies more easily from a distance, or aiming at whatever you want to shoot.

I recommend it to anyone who likes Super Mario 64

Bad remake, it ruins several things that made the original game special, plus they add new mechanics that are unnecessary that only ruin certain aspects of the game.

The original Nintendo 64 version is much better, but it's still a good remaster.

It's not my favorite Mario game, but it's pretty good.
The gameplay is pretty good, and simplifying it was a good thing, since if they had kept the gameplay of games like Super Mario 64, they would have made the game even easier.
Its graphics are beautiful for a game released in the first year of the 3DS.
The levels are well designed, but they are too easy.
In general that is a problem, its difficulty, which becomes very easy when you have already beaten the game.

Good game overall, and very enjoyable.

Horrible, simply horrible.
The worst Dragon Ball game of all time

Good game, not the best Bleach game, but decent.
The gameplay, although difficult at first, is easily learned when you start playing a little more.
One bad thing is that the gameplay sometimes depends a lot on luck.

Very good Street Fighter game.
It improves the gameplay of Street Fighter II, its graphics are beautiful, the character designs are great, etc.
I like a lot.
My only problem would be the small roster of characters, because unlike other Street Fighter games of that time, there are not many characters to choose from.

Great game, and one of my favorites, since it started the Street Fighter Alpha saga.

Its sequels surpass it, but this one is good.

Not bad for a Mario Kart for mobile phones.
It seems unfair to me to compare it with Mario Kart games on consoles, whether portable or desktop, since this one is focused on a different audience.
It is full of the typical things that a mobile game has, microtransactions, lots of seasons, character recolors, etc.