Feels like a barely finished product made entirely by an AI.

I only watched the opening cutscene, played the tutorial, then another "first mission" cutscene, and about 30 seconds of "real" gameplay before deciding this game is a mess. The cutscenes are so stiff in both animation and performances that I don't see how a human being could watch them and go "Yeah, looks good, ready to ship!" I have the feeling they're kind of going for a parody/homage of '80s action movies with how everybody is a caricature, but none of it is written or performed in a way that sells anything. It just looks and feels terrible.

The gameplay is also rough, with the cover system feeling like Kane and Lynch's and the shooting may as well feel that old and janky, too. There are apparently three whole combos to choose from when engaging in the suicidal melee.

I just think this needed several more months of polish along with an entire rewrite and rehiring of actors. The textures look alright, I guess, but again the animations are pretty bad so I can't call the graphics "good" overall.

I don't see myself ever coming back to this one. More like Wanted: Dead on Arrival (I'm so clever).

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2023


I feel like you literally don't get it and missed the entire point the amateurish voice acting which was done by the devs themselves, the awkwardly lip-synched cut-scenes, self-aware goofy dialogue and over the top caricature archetypes were all done on purpose. This game is 100% self aware and meant to be a love-letter to the sixth gen of gaming.
@CtheIronblooded I do "get it", just because it was done intentionally (I mentioned parody/homage) doesn't automatically make it good. A character like Duke Nukem is a mockery and he's quite funny. Jon St. John's delivery of the insane lines is likely the biggest contribution to it all landing as well as it does. Nobody in Wanted: Dead came close to selling it.

1 year ago

So this game is the epitome of "jokes on them I was only pretending to be stupid"??
@Berfison Sort of, I'd say it's likely more simple and the people writing this were able to laugh at someone like Duke Nukem but didn't know exactly why he worked. They knew they wanted that charm, they just don't know how to attain it. And that's just the "humor", the gameplay is its own and far larger problem.