While i feel this game was completely unnecessary- i still thought it was a fun adventure, it's a short, quick fun game, but definitely desnecessary, still a little fun adventure though.

I loved this game more than i should, when i first gave it a try i dropped it because i didn't like the combat, yes, i know that was a very stupid reason to drop a game but consider that that was 2 years ago, my mind has changed a lot since then, and after i played the rest of the series i decided to give it a try again, and oh boy, What a amazing game, the soundtrack itself is not better than 2's but it's still amazing and i can notice why a lot of people love it, the combat is not the best on the early game but it catches on way later, a amazing experience better than a lot of games nowadays, that's for sure.

A pretty solid kingdom hearts. Certainly not the best one and it's not on the level of kingdom hearts one or two. But still does a pretty solid job and can get you hooked up on some nice 30 hours. The game has a lot of missed world potentials and the worlds themselves are basically just the movie with no original plot or sideline. The combat feels a little better and way less heavier than 2, which is something that doesn't quite satisfies me, everyone came with a lot of hope for this game and i can understand why i a lot of kingdom hearts fan are not too fond of it, but still a quite solid game itself with a amazing soundtrack like every game of the series.

Man, honestly a way better game than maternational or the first cars game, it's gameplay is way more faster and fun and the story can actually hook you if you like cars since childhood like me, it's a very fun game nowadays too and it has quite the graphics for a wii game.


I have a lot of nostalgia for this game, i'm a cars fan since childhood and i've played it too many times on PS2 on my childhood, as a adult now i've decided to give the game a try again and oh...well, nostalgia blinding again. The game does a good job at being a movie adaptation since it's a sequel to the film itself, the game is too easy but i guess that's what you'd expect for a child game. It has a amazing soundtrack though and kids can have fun with it at least.

Honestly, it's the best ace attorney has ever reached, it's a good collection and does a amazing job at bringing the two tgaa games to the ocident while they were all japan exclusives, definetely worth a try if you love ace attorney, ryunosuke best protag tho

IT'S. PEAK. Absolutely peak. No wonder it's my favorite game of all time, it's a amazing game that i just...can't describe how amazing it is and feels. Everything about it is just perfect. Comparing to the first two kingdom hearts (KH1 and chain of memories) It's a absolute monster and upgrades every aspect possible, the combat is smooth and fast, you feel satisfied as you lend combos and use magic, you can do a lot of tricks just with magic itself, not just swinging your keyblade, the story is easily the best of the series, the only thing i dislike about this masterpiece is the gummi routes, because i'd prefer be playing a shooting than a shooting on a JRPG game, but it's amazing. I absolutely love it!