Toree 3D is a tour de force of micro budget video games. 99 cents here will take you farther emotionally than any other existing commodity, until you have no choice but to stare into the void. Toree 3D is a mad man who will raise the emotionally dead and subsequently kill anyone who gets too close.

Next time you're at the corner store and consider grabbing a snack or a drink, don't and instead buy Toree 3D when you're home. It's a transcendent experience. The lack of sustenance is integral, you won't survive otherwise.

If you're like me and weren't alive to play this game in its' era, an era of playground rumors and limited internet, I think there are 2 correct ways to play this game and trying otherwise is a waste of time. The first way is to just boot it up and explore with no real intention of finishing the game. You'll likely beat at least the first dungeon, maybe you're aware of one random secret from an old game review or an older family member, but ideally you're just using Zelda 1 to chill with a friend and have a fun conversation about the early days of such an important series.

The second correct way is to follow the masterful ZeldaDungeon guide word for word. Zelda 1's secrets weren't meant to be figured out by a single person playing with no outside material, at least not in amount of time that isn't exhausting. So when you essentially remove that aspect of the game with a guide, you'll have more fun adventuring than you might expect, especially since you probably just want to beat it to say you have.

You too, are a space. Anodyne 2 will give you a lot to think about if you engage. The game sparks conversations on identity, religion, gaming YouTubers, and many other life topics. The story unfolds in such an ethereal way it feels like old far-off cult PS1 game. Probably Analgesic's magnum opus, go in blind.

Bugsnax is maybe the greatest achievement mankind has created, it is kinda bug yet kinda snack. I was kindly gifted this game by a buddy and we streamed the it all together. Every surprise whether it was hilarious interactions with the bugsnax's AI, or the fact that the game often gets surprisingly real, gave us many a sincere laugh. It's all downhill from Bugsnax