276 Reviews liked by Thundercblob

Even as a kid who only had a GameCube I knew that Sunshine was pretty bad

If Mario 64 is like a playground you can do whatever you want in, Mario Sunshine is like a military obstacle course, with a strict beginning and end and little reward for going off of the beaten path despite being presented like that.

Which is to say I was having fun like 60% of the time, bored 20% of the time, and considering suing the developers for child abuse 20% of the time. (I never played this as a child but I could have. And that's scary)

Good aesthetics but probably the weakest 3D Mario.

I disliked this when I was 10, I dislike it now.

Least favorite of the 3D Mario's, jank city.

this game would be great if it wasn't for the loose/janky controls and the terrible camera that gets stuck in the worst places

glad to have finally beaten it after all these years, and now i never have to play it again

jank, many awful design decisions. the fluddless sections really demonstrate how far a step down controlling mario is from 64. its unfun to 100%, especially with how you need to trial and error what missions to pick for the 100 coin stars.

Chrono Cross simply has one of the most convoluted plots of all time.

I distinctly recall playing this game as a child and not understanding what was going on beyond the weird dimensional travel and body swapping.

After playing it again as an adult, I can tell why I don't remember any of the story details.

This game is 95% carried by the community but thank god it is. I don't think there's a game that has given me more fun over the past 10 years of my life than Minecraft.

So, the main problem with Minecraft's singleplayer is a general lack of things to do. Once you've played it enough you either start minmaxxing in your survival world or start building aimlessly (and you can get to this part really damn fast if you're experienced enough). The 'exploration' part of Minecraft has been quite underutilized as a result because the Overworld does just feel like a bunch of empty land with not much to do, at least without mods and whatnot.

I wish we got more content in each update, with more reasons to explore. Honestly, the Nether and Cave changes have been really fun and add to the replayability of the game. It does feel a bit more exploration-based, and I think the building is already top-notch as it is in Minecraft. I just wished they could do more.

However, with such an open and creative game, you get some really damn creative people who play it. There are SO MANY THINGS TO DO in Minecraft when taking into account the community. Whether it's mods, or servers, or community events, there's just so many things to enjoy with other people. The survival multiplayer loop also becomes amazing if you have a group of people, culminating in what is pretty much the perfect multiplayer game.

Honestly, if this game didn't get as big as it did, it wouldn't be half as good. However, I'm thankful for the past 10 years this game has granted to me and it's been a wonderful time.

Finally replayed this after like 12 years. It’s terrible and feels like it’s from a different series. But it’s also bonkers as shit and is pretty fun with a friend. I’m so glad capcom corrected course after 6.

Resident Evil has always had this problem where, after a few games with the same protagonists and antagonists, the conspiratorial lore and glut of proper nouns overwhelm any sense of good narrative. This DLC makes a good argument for closing the door on the Winter saga. It all has the feeling of watching deleted scenes on DVD with a new, worse actor spliced into the lead role. This maudlin family drama cannot continue! We need a return to the camp and hard resets of RE:4 and RE:7, stat.

That being said, I've never loved to hate a RE level more than the House Beneviento basement. Smart idea to do an encore setpiece down there.

Bro what the hell is going on with this series

So I went out to my local videogame retailer and they didn’t have it. Then I walked around to the next one and they didn’t have it too. I checked online and I couldn’t order it either. I found out its digital only. Fucking gross, I threw up a bit in my mouth and went home empty handed. At least I got some exercise and had a nice coffee while I was out. It is a shame because this game looks like it might be pretty cool and is getting a positive response. But for now my copy of the first Alan Wake remains lonely.

Haha, seriously though this game should not be digital only and I lost all interest in this game back when they announced this. The push to digital is being done for the benefit of corporations not us consumers. They are trying to screw you. This is about profits and control. Letting corporations control the media/entertainment/culture/art we enjoy and when, where, how you play/access it and how much it costs doesn’t seem wise. Digital is already bad enough but is anyone at all concerned that digital is just a stepping stone to streaming/subscription only where you don’t even get a digital copy?

Remedy stating that this will help keep the price down, the market has shifted to digital and it is more convenient is a load of crap and sounds disgusting coming from them. The price on the Australian Playstation store for a PS5 version is $90.95 and the deluxe edition is $120.95. I bought big games like RE4 and Elden Ring day one physically for $89. I could then get a big chunk of that money back if I sell it after playing. So because the market has changed the remaining consumers get screwed or forgotten. Is turning your back on the passionate consumers that care enough to buy a physical copy of your game a good long term strategy, especially when they are willing to pay more to get that physical copy? The positives of having a physical copy far outweigh any convenience of digital and a physical copy comes with its own set of conveniences. I’ve never had a problem with games needing more than one disc if that would be required in this case. They also said going all digital would give them more time for polish but the game still launched with a bunch of reported issues. It was also delayed slightly. Doesn’t this game have some kind of high requirements for PC too?

So the same old crap only now without the benefits and option of a physical copy. It comes across as treating your customers with disdain and shows a lack of confidence in your product.

I’m still looking forward to playing Alan Wake 2 one day if they release a physical copy or when it is put on PS Plus essential or when it is available digitally for like $15 or less.

This is all I have in the face of the digital tsunami - this shitty little ‘review’ and not buying it. So I guess I have basically nothing but complaining quietly while something I have loved for decades dies slowly in front of me with a sliver of hope that people will realise the significance of what’s being lost.

(This was a knee jerk reaction to remembering this game came out. It was meant as a crap joke followed with a serious message but I may have botched it. I thought writing a silly joke review would be a good way to open before getting into my thoughts on the digital only release. The idea I had was for a joke review of the experience of trying to buy a physical copy (that doesn’t exist). The other idea I had was to write a joke review of the experience of watching a streamer or Youtuber play through. I quickly realised there is no way to do this without it coming off as a cringe-y review bomb. I may lack writing talent and didn’t put much time or thought into it so that didn’t help as well. I removed anything relating to a score and rating and cut down the joke review but still left a bit at the top. Maybe this still belongs somewhere more discussion centered rather than a place for reviews. Anyway, hopefully I haven't undermined the point that the digital only release is shit too much).