276 Reviews liked by Thundercblob

mixed on this game. I like parts but dislike others

I feel so mixed on this game. At first, I absolutely loved this game after playing RE7 but now I don't really hold it in that high regard anymore. It's still good, I love big lady and funny metal man but don't really like everything else.

I have played this game a lot since the day it first dropped, and I've come to the ultimate conclusion that I don't really care for it much. I adored RE7 when I played that game, I thought it was a perfect masterpiece at the time (not so much now but it is a really good game,) but something went wrong here. I was expecting another survival horror game for the sequel to a survival horror game. What I got instead was an action game that desperately wanted to be Resident Evil 4. It didn't work. The game is fun and perfectly fine, but it's not what I wanted it to be, and it lacks soul and is incredibly forgettable due to that. The ending also sucks. To rub salt even further into the wound, 4 Remake has since released and does everything this game tried to do but better and in a way that feels natural. This would be the worst modern RE title if 3 Remake didn't exist.

Not a bad game by any means, but it feels a little disjointed at times. While RE7 had its issues with the final act, it felt like a more cohesive experience.

Village tries to put more focus on individual bosses and mix up their respective areas, but their respective looks and sometimes gameplay differences create a starker contrast than, say, finding a puzzle tape in RE7.

The cast of characters is also much more comedic, and yet nothing feels as absurdly funny as the newfound family tying you up to the chair and feeding you cockroaches and shit (possibly literal, who knows) while bickering among themselves.

Gameplay is more on-point than 7 with better exploration and rewards, but what really bummed me out is lack of DLC support.

After 7 had tons of game modes with varying gameplay styles some of which could've been their own games, 8 is lacking, and even its story DLC is spotty.

It's a great time overall, but in certain ways feels like a step down from an already somewhat imperfect 7.

The KKKapcom took my vampire baby away.
They took her away
Away from meeeee

Dimitrescu's castle carried the game tbh

It's kind of weird coming back to this after playing RE4Make because it's pretty obvious how much of this was intended to be a demo for RE4Make and as such my immersion sort of suffered. The story was just alright to me but I do appreciate that it kept its narrow scope to family instead of expanding too much outside of that.

Story-wise I liked the final narrative reveals and the tender family moments a lot. The village overall just reminded me too much of RE4 to really be able to bring myself to care very much about it or Miranda and her family because I kept wondering how many of the concepts for this game were reused or expanded on for RE4Make.

I liked the PT Sink Baby section a lot, that was scary. Once again I just prefer RE as a survival horror than I do a shooter, and I think RE4Make is better than RE8 so...yeah!

What am I missing here? How can ANYONE like this game and call it their favorite not ONLY compared to the classic RE4, but ESPECIALLY compared to the RE4 remake?

Take everything that made 4 a bonified classic, and take away all the challenge in place for an incredibly railroaded experience with an identity crisis, stuck between wanting to continue what 7 did but also wanting to be the next RE4. It's not RE3make, but it's only a step above it. Please don't do this again for 9, Capcom.

White people on their way to the Super Mario Galaxy convention

If you ever want to mentally shatter a high person just turn this game on