276 Reviews liked by Thundercblob

It’s technically bigger and badder than Killzone 2. However, the gritty and heavy feel is gone in exchange for a more traditional style of FPS movement. Guns in the previous had more recoil and deviation and now they are much steadier. I can't say if this is bad thing, but it did have a charm to it. The story picks up right after Killzone 2…and well the ending was short and lead to another cliffhanger.

This is somewhat of a shame because the events that led up to it were awesome. I guess I must play shadowfall to see what happens next. Can’t give this a 5 due to the way the ending was handled. Don’t get it twisted, this is a good game I was just unsatisfied in that regard.

Playing Killzone 2 after all those years when the dust of the PS360 war has long gonne settled I can see how difficult and uphill battle had Sony fanboys to push this as HALO rival. KZ2 has for it time some crazy production values and for a moment you can forget it is not the infamous target render from 2006. Visual design is strong for the most part but you can feel that ISA troops are more of an afterthought in comparison to Helghasts. KZ2 feels like it has more potential but rarely does anything interesting with it, hiding behind the wall of genre conventions instead.

Great atmosphere and a good, cheesy, action movie story. The dreary lighting in levels & the design of the Helghast really adds to the grittiness. While the design of the game is visually appealing, the game itself can be hard to look at because of the unstable frame rate.

Unfortunately, the gameplay itself is meh. It’s cool that Killzone wants to be less of a run-and-gun like Halo or Cod, but aiming is difficult, especially when it comes to making microadjustments to hit someone right in front of you.

Une suite dans la droite lignée du premier opus. Les graphismes ont subi une amélioration qui rend le jeu bien plus immersif. Enfin en théorie, car comme le premier celui-ci contient des passages excessivement durs et casse le peu d'immersion qu'il pourrait y avoir. Le système de gameplay change en passant à un système d'armes limité (au nombre de deux) ce qui je trouve nuie au jeu. Malgré des passages prenant et impressionnant le scénario est quelconque.
Même si ce deuxième épisode contient de bons moments, le jeu frise le médiocre avec sa difficulté en dents de scie, on approche plus du Die and retry frustrant que d'un véritable FPS immersif nous emportant dans son scénario.

Hale feels like he's made out of paper and the lack of a weapon wheel makes encounter design feel unbalanced.

This game isn't bad, but it's a big downgrade from the first game.
The lack of a weapon wheel and only being able to carry a max of 2 weapons at once removes a lot of the fun and makes certain encounters way more difficult than they should be.
The lack of campaign co-op is quite unfortunate.
The final boss is also quite disappointing and underwhelming (possible lore reasons don't excuse a bad boss)
On the positive side, the narrative builds towards something pretty interesting (even if you might have mixed feelings on the ending) and the graphics are better than the first game.

does pick up a bit in the latter half but man it's kind of a lame followup, drops a lot of the unique stuff 1 had going on and is just kind of a generic futuristic military shooter

because of all the praise it gets, i tried to stick with this game for as much as i could, but i guess it's not for me. Even though i generally like metroidvanias, i did not enjoy this game exploration: i think the map is too big, and the worse thing, the rewards for exploring are just not interesting. The combat is not challenging enough for you to crave the next "expand your health" upgrade or the amulets that give you a boost on combat. Most of the times that i have back-tracked to a spot i can finally reach!! with my new time power!!! have just not been worth it.

I've been playing this on and off for the past two weeks and I think its a solid Metroidvania. I didn't think it was revelatory or anything but I really do like some of the powers they came up with. The "Shadow of the Simurgh" power they came up with has a very neat use in puzzles. Story was pretty bland in my opinion but I played this for the gameplay mainly and not the storytelling. I enjoyed this which is good, thats my review keeping it brief.

Yeahhhhh, I kinda wish I skipped this honestly, but it is what it is. I finished it in one sitting so it’s not much. Same stuff as 2, it’s fun the play, and the concept is semi interesting, but that’s all it’s really got going for it.

I can’t believe rocksteady made this….

Many companies are being forced to give into this online service micro transaction bs and for rocksteady this isn’t a good look

I had such a good time with this more than I expected I would

Graphics and gameplay still hold up nearly 10 years later but the story not so much…



Amazing game 😮‍💨

No not really just a ratchet and clank clone but I wish we had this era of gaming back too nostalgic