Great FnaF game and also a very good VR game in general. The minigames are fun and diverse and the twists that this game has are pretty epic. Especially loved the ending of this game. My only hate about this game is Bonnie Bowl, f*ck that minigame

Good game but unplayable due to many bugs making me softlock in stairs or NPC's glitching out of the playfield forcing me to restart the level.

It's a decent game to kill some time,

I completed all the levels in 4 and a half hour and enjoyed myself. Didn't care about the over the top hard achievements but if you got this game from a bundle you should definitely give it a try.

Lovely roguelite game to sink a few hours in. The sprites and animations are really nice and there are lots of weapons and powerups to play around. Also many switchable difficulties makes the game just as fun for beginners and veterans of the genre. The essence system makes you want to use as many different weapons and powerups as you can to progress the game. My only gripe with this game is the lack of permanent upgrades, every run starts from the same level. Also the weapon essence collecting can be tedious as you need the last hit on enemies to count it as a kill for the weapons. Sometimes you kill a whole room of enemies and only get 2 kills towards your weapon progress. This makes completing the game 100% not worth my time and just completing the main story was enough for me.

Zelda in the doom engine, super fun!

If you haven't destroyed your touchpad playing this game what were you doing?

Game ends at the ending of the second movie bruh.

I wouldn't say this game is bad necessarily, but it is not for me, the game is way too repetitive in what you have to do, the daily clean up you do everyday is so boring. The graphics are good and I really dig the music though.

Game is very dated but I remember having a lot of fun playing this when I was a kid.

Not that fun solo. In Co-op its pretty fun

If you like Wario Land than this is a must play

The numbers Mason, WHAT DO THEY MEAN!?