25 reviews liked by ToastySol

Menu theme: Anime opening
Stage theme: Anime opening instrumental version
Boss theme: Anime opening metal cover
Credits theme: Anime opening 0.5x speed

Despite wearing it's influences very openly, Crow Country manages to set itself apart from other survival horror revival projects; mostly due to it's comparably lighthearted nature, the diorama-like presentation, it's peculiar theme park setting, and the overall immaculate pacing. While neither the combat nor the puzzles were especially revolutionary for the genre, the captivating atmosphere and engrossing mystery had me hooked throughout this game's welcomingly modest runtime.

I have no interest in hunting and I do not find it fun. I'm not sure why I even own this game (I might have found it for like 1$ at value village?). This game is of a worse quality than Wii era shovelware but requires a 7.3GB data download in order to be playable. The gameplay consists of running through the most generic pre-made unreal engine terrain you have ever seen to shoot animals, and it controls like garbage. My first 30 seconds into the game I got softlocked because I got stuck in a crack between two rocks and the slope was too deep for my character to walk out of. I'd also like to give a special shout out to this games incredibly diverse character roster (why does it have a character roster??) that consists of 4 white men and 2 white women, all of whom definitely do not look like they'd have an unhealthy obsession with a certain yellow haired, orange faced, formerly presidential individual.

I spent about 80 hours with this one.

The ending shattered my mind into so many pieces that I now feel an unbreakable kinship with Cloud. It is maybe one of the most unforgettably directed sequences in a game I've played in a while.

This game's dedication in making every part of its world feel like a real lived place is outstanding, it's something I have always enjoyed about Final Fantasy as a franchise but this one particularly excels at just making you want to have your own adventure at your own pace
I've been fully on board with their vision of making more than a remake of the original story since the beginning but Rebirth truly fully sold me on the idea.
While not flawless by any means, it will be a long time until I encounter another game that feels this ambitious and for lack of a better word, "magical"

In usual sequel fashion, Spyro 2 loses the quaint charm of Spyro 1 - but this time around Spyro 2 trades that charm for a significant improvement in level design, a trade that is a net gain on most days. I think Spyro bending genres through minigame-missions is also a smart approach.

more like Spyro 2: Rip My Balls Off because this shit is great. these were the best days of my life, when i loved playing outside more than anything else and having to come in and play spyro was like a worst case scenario. i didnt know how good i had it back then

There is no other words to shorten it down with Rebirth but calling it grand. Much more combat diversity, vast variation of challenges, free exploration and minigames. So many crazy minigames. The sheer content is staggering, even so if you just want to play for the story, the journey is massive even outside of the sidequests.

Rebirth feels like a proper midgame past Remake expanding everything already introduced, still at the same time being constructed entirely as its own installment, there's as much a prologue, midgame, late game and proper climax here to encompass more than just being a part 2 of 3 games.

The narrative has at its best fun with the moments and at its worst shares similar issues as remake with a few bad beats. What sells the better moments is the tongue in cheek directive supported by the cast of characters so masterfully portrayed through their small character quirks and fun banter interactions, which makes the worse moments really stick out almost like some parts were written by someone completely different and tacked into an otherwise wonderful adaption.

That being said, I found the irks here so minuscule compared to the sublime time I had with Rebirth. 150 hours through and I didn't get wearied out for a second!

This is basically a game where you are paid to ruin Venezuela, you straight up drop orbital nukes and carpet bomb the cities and nobody really cares. All because some rich guy took over the government or something and shot you in the left ass cheek. Something of note is that you choose from three fully voiced characters at the very start of the game which adds slight replay value

Majora's Mask is for gamers whose favourite holiday is Halloween and lowkey dislike one of their parents.