Everyone involved in Derail and Estate being created and released to the public should be in jail.

In the trash where it belongs. If only Halo Reach could get the same treatment.

Dollar Tree Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

This game proves the series was not in better hands with Bungie than 343, not that it's a particularly high bar.

If the game was actually good you'd be playing it, and you and me both know you stopped playing it after a week.

GTA Online is one of the best driving/racing games to be released in the last 15 years and it's trapped in one of the worst amalgamations of MMO dogshit and microtransaction hellscape imaginable.

Good game up until the writer fumbles the ending so badly it ends up being overall a terrible experience.

You can feel the open world shackles restraining every aspect of the game from being good.

This game is objectively better than your favorite game both ironically and unironically.

There is no video game experience more fun than Halo 1 LAN with your buds.

The only game more important than the original Super Mario Brothers.

One of the first things Knuckles ever did was chuckle. It was at this moment that I knew this game was a masterpiece.

The first level of this game is better than most games. The multiplayer is also sick.