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(Score: 8/10) Even 14 years after its release, this is still the most atmospheric Soulsborne game (BB comes close but it doesn't quite reach this game's heights), and it also features more unique boss fights that don't boil down to the "roll boss move --> spam r1" loop that unfortunately plagues a lot of the more recent games. Level design is also excellent, and in general DeS is brimming with creativity, both in sound and creature design (the OST is also deliciously restrained and subtle, and I will never forgive the Remake for butchering it and turning it into generic bombastic orchestral noise). Unfortunately, DeS falls short in the gameplay department, which is what I value the most, and thus loses a lot of points when it comes to moment-to-moment enjoyment; while part of its charm in a way, the limited healing grass and the inventory weight mechanics are ultimately just annoyances that don't really generate meaningful decision-making, and adding that to some other outdated mechanics (primitive AI from enemies and bosses which is really bad in some instances like the Maneaters fight, four-directional rolling when locked on) makes the gameplay more of a chore than a fun experience. Still, the fact that an almost failed experiment manages to hold up as a worthwhile experience today is remarkable, and I would still recommend playing DeS (og, not the Remake) to any Soulsborne fans.